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It's that time of the week again, time for another weekly update! I'll try to keep this one brief, since I have a lot of balancing and writing to do haha. Well, first thing's first, Jikage Rising v1.17 is out! It's pretty beefy words count wise this time cause of all the plot and dialogue and stuff this time round. We are nearing the end pretty soon, and I'm looking forward to arc 3 where we can break away from the main plot and do our own thing. Think it'll be pretty fun with the village building and the new combat that I'm considering. Which also gives me reason to get more art for the game hue hue hue.

Now for the star of the next 2 weeks! The Star Cove Incident! To be honest I'm still kinda nervous about how it'll be received, but that's not gonna affect much so whatever I guess haha. I'll probably have some discussions with the server again this week about some trials for the new release, feel free to join in if you want! 

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.18 for Patrons on  18th June, v1.17 for the public on 4th June)
-Kurotsuchi joins the fray!
-Some dialogue between the girls
-A scene for Kurotsuchi
-Event for Kurotsuchi
-Adding in animation for Tenten x Mabui scene
-Ability to recruit Ino to join battles (If sprite is completed)

The Star Cove Incident (ETA: v0.11 for Patrons on 4th June, v0.11 for the public on 18th June)
-Updating UI for options
-Adding in connective routes for the various girls
-Adding Aya so that she is immediately available on day 1
-Making Mio available on the first week
-Fianna will be available on week 2
-Adding clues for one of the endings
-(Impt) Making sure all paths are viable with current timeline planned



...Just because I'm curious... How do I get Kurotsuchi?? Feels like I've done practically everything I can think about, but I haven't found anything about her.


If arc 3 is not part of the main plot does that mean arc 4 is not going to be boruto?


So... does that mean that v1.18 of Jikage Rising is currently out, or is that a mistype, since it is currently May 23rd (and the post says that May 18th is the release for v1.18 for Patrons)?


Typo, my bad, GDI, it happens every week. I swore I double checked. It's fixed now, sorry for the confusion!


Great thanks for information! Can't wait for Star Cove adventure to continue^^


Don't worry we all love your work. It's going to be great

TheCapMan 420

Is there a place for suggestions, cuz I feel like added some more stuff the original girls would be great