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Heyo darlings, hmmm, yes, "darlings" feels wrong. Anyway, it's time for another weekly update! 

So I've been working on a lot of things, and we have a lot of material and stuff, including a rework of Tsunade's sprite that was requested a while back and a bunch of other stuff. I'll drop a sneak peek for it once it's done.

I've also have a very special surprise for everyone this weekend, so do look forward to that!

Not a super long post this time cause a lot of things are under wraps atm, I don't really wanna spoil it just yet, but soon™️. 

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.16 for Patrons on 16th April, v1.15 for the public on 2nd April)
-New scene for Mabui
-Progress for Karin
-Adding in some more non-sexy art for scenes
-Maybe progress for plot
-Some art prep for new outfits and characters

P.S. I brought Elden Ring but I haven't had a chance to play it yet, now I'm sad.


Maurice Groves

Hmmm yas Darrrrling i hope the hidden items are gonna b lovable, and b warned, if u play elden ring, it will want to eat all your time (amazing game regardless tho)


What system elden ring