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Heya guys! Apologies for the tardy weekly update, was cleaning up some of the reported bugs and stuff in Jikage Rising, really wanted to get that done asap haha. 

So for this week, assuming that there are no more bug hunts, I'll be getting back into The Star Cove Incident! We'll get a new character introduced most likely! 

For Jikage Rising, some of you guys have been giving me feedback with regards of what you'll like to see, since we're going back to what we did in arc 1, it shouldn't be too much to a hassle to get things back the way they were, considering since I don't have to rely on the third party anymore, which makes things more predictable.

On a different note, Halloween is coming! I have a special little gift for all of you guys when the day comes closer, so do look forward to that!

Star Cove Incident (ETA: 6th November for Patrons (v0.10))
-New character
-Secret stuff 1
-Aya and Zen threesome scene
-Mio scene

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.10 for the public on 6th November, v1.11 for patrons on20th November)
-New leg of the story
-Character introduction
-Samui scene
-More scenes (not as much as v1.10 obviously, Raiha will die if we do that XD)


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