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Heyo everyone! And welcome new people! So basically I'll be going through what I'll be doing/ am doing this week, so you guys have a better idea of what's going on instead of being left in the dark wondering what's gonna happen next!

So for this week, I'll be fixing some bugs for Jikage Rising is any appear and have them fixed! I'll also be getting the new scenes in the gallery as there doesn't seem to be any issues with them! 

We'll also be getting some of the art updated, I'll be posting some of the sketches of the new updated art, so feel free to let me know what you guys think about them so I can let the artist fix them asap! Unfortunately, most of them are still nude, so I'll have to make the post Patron only as per Patreon's rules, I'll set it so that all Patrons can view them regardless of tier, as this is something that will be in the game for an extended period of time. No worries though, you can still check them out in our discord and let me know what you think needs fixing!

I'll also be making preparations for "The incident at Star Cove", I just finished preparing about 20 sets of commission details, which was partially the reason why I was pretty late with the update this week. We'll pretty much just be waiting for the art to be done! Apologies for the slow update on this!

Here's the tl/dr version as always!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v0.19 for Patrons 19th of Dec, v0.18 5th if Dec for the Public)

-Bug fixes

-Adding in the gallery

-More prep work for arc 2

-Replacing old art with new art

-Getting new scenes animated

Star Cove Incident (No ETA as of now)

-Getting art done

-Waiting for art



Well, yes, it's good that you shared your progress and plans, it's better to share the news with everyone. Keep it up!