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Heya guys, so I'm thinking it'll be a good time to check how you guys feel about the new optional pimping scenes, there were some pretty intense feedback, so I thought that it would be a good idea to see what you guys thought about it! Mostly to check if it was a vocal minority or impending problem thing. 

For those that played Nano-control, the pimping scenes are intended to be something akin to the sharing scenes, in terms of how "optional" it is I mean. 

Depending on how the feedback goes, I'll make the necessary arrangements! So do let me know! I take your feedback very seriously.

You can submit your feedback here! 


Alex McGregor

I do not play harem/trainer games to hand out my waifu like party favors, not a fan, would rather you spent your time on more scenes for the girls with the MC rather than this cuck shit if you'll forgive my language


I enjoy it regardless I mean they aren't real.


I liked them. Theyre optional so whats the problem?


Not a big fan however it isnt required for the story or anything so im fine with it ^_^

Jonathan Dubreuil

I don't like this type of scene, but as long as they're avoidable and have no content locked behind them, I'm okay with them.

Sergo Nikopulus

How to win Tsunade in the stadium to get more control? I won her one time, but she recovered immediately, and I lost second time


Oh, Poison + stun might be a good way to go about it for the first round. And just use the weapon scroll to instantly KO her the second round.

Ato_From Da_Northwoods

Eh I don't care about the pimping. I just feel like you should add girls like the ramen girl for the pimping scenes. Locations where you could find/add these girls would be the Store, Clothing Store, and Bathhouse. None of the girls we pimp should be girls we've trained. Because we built a connection to those girls. And in my opinion you probably should've made the Stadium Mystery Box Dude a Girl that we could corrupt.... Because that would've/could've had the same effect.


The pimping stuff is fine for me. It's optional content that you don't need to see if you don't want to and it's not forced on you. Just don't look at it if it bugs you. Simple XD


Read through all of your comments and feedback! I'll wait till the next update is released to get more people's opinion on the issue before deciding on what to do! Hopefully it'll be something that everyone will be ok with!


Me perdoe por escrever em português, mas está de madrugada e pode acontecer de eu escrever alguma bobagem hahahaha. Bom, eu até curto esse tipo de cena, só achei meio bobo como o personagem principal deixou escapar seus planos na "Decline scene" da 0.17d, eu acho que seria interessante ter cenas como essa in game, mantendo o ponto de ser opicional, só que com uma desculpa mais elaborada para o dizer do "Não"