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Heya guys, hope you guys had a good weekend! I know I sure did haha, well kinda, anyway!

I got a new update for Nano-control, added the bunnysuits that were requested by a Patron as well as a credit screen so the game will feel more "complete". Probably won't be doing anymore stuff with Nano-control for a good bit after this. 

So for this week, I'll continue to work with the basics of the new engine, gonna try to get the games to the next level XD so hopefully you guys will start to get things of better quality from now on! 

I've also gotten some feedback about Jikage Rising becoming more and more slow. I think it might be due to renpy getting pushed to the limits of it's capability, I'll try to get someone to port it over to a new engine or in the worse case scenario, have arc 2 on a different engine to stop the issues from getting worse as well as to prevent issues like this from happening again in the future!

On Apollo Lexicon's end, while I get a grasp on how the new engine works, I having someone build a battle system for the battles that will be in the game! Think this might help save some time on my end so I'll be able to deal with some other stuff! 

So yeap, that's about it for this week! Nano-control will get a public release this weekend, I'll try to get a demo out this weekend as well, then after this it's back to the grind with Jikage Rising! 

Jikage Rising (Patron release ETA: 19th September for v0.16, Public release: 5th September)

-Bonus girl 1 content

-Bonus girl 2 content

-Tsunade content (Maybe)

-Getting more stuff planned out for Arc 2

Apollo Lexicon (Release: ???)

-Designing the UI

-Redoing the intro, found something that works better.

Doggo (Already released)

-Continue learning new engine

-Staying hydrated

As always, here are the links to my other pages!





Doggo's Doujins 



OK, I have to ask. Did you pick September 19 because coincidence, because it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day, or because it's Hermione Granger's birthday?