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Woots, this is a pretty exciting one haha, it actually took a while to get the design for this right cause there were a lot of things that we needed to consider before eventually settling on this. 

Originally, I considered having outfits that were completely different from their own style, like for example in Sakura's case:

It was supposed to be something like this. However we had some comments, well, actually a lot of comments, that it was too modern and didn't fit in with the aesthetics of the era. Which was fair, the jacket was an idea from Kiba, but the jeans were a bit too much. After a bit of thinking and tweaking, this was made:

The mask was something that I really wanted to add, cause:

1)  It gives a more covert feel to the outfit.

2) It looks cool

With 2 being the main reason haha, maybe we can have a mask collection thing going on where you can switch their masks, should be pretty fun and cool.

Anyway, back on topic, the outfit was made with some more traditional ideas in mind, and we wanted to keep it sexy without it being too trashy, which I think turned out pretty well haha, Jii was awesome at his job as usual! 

For her mask, we went with a dog mask cause of Kakashi has the whole dog summon thing going on, and with Sakura being her student, it was only natural we chose that for her, and definitely not because we have no idea what else to go with for her.

Ino's outfit has netting on her usual spots, which I thought was a nice touch by Jii, it looked pretty sexy, especially with the half mask that kinda shows her face. Jii originally suggested that she wear a pig mask, cause of the whole Ino-pig thing she has going on with Sakura, but I thought it might have been better for her to wear a cat mask, since Sakura and her are always going at it like cats and dogs haha

The beautiful beast of Konoha strikes again. 

Tenten's original mask was supposed to be a bear/panda, because most of her designs were Chinese outfit inspired, thought it would be fitting that she wear a panda mask to fit her overall style. I jokingly said that she should have a mask of the beautiful beast of Konoha, maybe a few too many times, and Jii probably got sick of it and drew this cause I asked for it, but ho ho, I love it. Love you Jii <3

Next up is Hinata! Compared to the rest, the outfit really manages to show off her "assets". It's pretty much the most basic of all of them, kinda like the "vanilla option" compared to the rest, which kinda suits her personality I think, and with everything looking kinda tight, I guess no one expected her growth spurt to be that sudden huh? 

She has a fox mask, cause of the whole Naruto thing she has going on.

And finally (for now), Temari's outfit! Eventually you will get the chance to have her put on this outfit for you to carry out missions in arc 2, as for her mask, its a mask of Kamatari, a.k.a the summon she had and used like, once, in the manga and twice(?) in the anime. 

Let me know if you have any comments or feedback about the outfit yeah!




Honestly the masks take away from how hot the outfits are.


Ah, the masks are on a different layer, so they can be removed! No worries about that!


I love it all! Awesome job by the artist (as always), I do dearly love their artstyle.


Ah XD You can check out his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jiisuri/posts And or his twitter if you are interested in getting a commission, he seems to be keen in getting some done XD https://twitter.com/Jiisuri_chan/status/1269123641955893248?s=20

cody skater

definitely my favorite outfits by far. these are really freakin cool and i think the masks are a great addition, they look awesome. tenten's mask definitely standout as the odd one out cause of the eyes. i know you wanted the lee/beautiful beast thing going but it definitely messes with the ascetic. but it is looking amazing in general and i can't wait till arc 2.


When do we expect to play arc2?


Love the outfits and most of the masks. Not a big fan of tenten’s mask.


I see, that's a shame, but no worries! I'll likely be going forward with the "unlockable masks" idea, so there should be a bit of selection of masks for them!


Any mask for Ayame, our lovely Ramen shop waitress?


Oh, maybe not unfortunately. She is a civilian after all. I'll see if I can get a sexy version of her outfit in though!