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Heya guys, as promised, here's a sneak peek of all of the characters we have done! 

 Sakura was shown a few months back, so you guys already pretty much know about her! No mystery there haha, but let's Put it here anyway!  

So like we mentioned before, her chest went through a few iterations, some were saying they were too small, so Jii made it a bit bigger! I didn't want her to go way overboard, so I kept it at the "small but not too small" size, cause having  a range of body types are important!

A couple of you guys were pretty excited about this part, as per feedback, their underwear are now more modern! With the exception of Ino that is. We took some samples from that bathhouse scene and based everything off it. 

And yeap, the nude version, with the small but not too small chest!

 Ino was showcased a few weeks later, she looked pretty good imo. 

This was the underwear layer that was drawn for her, we might add new ones in the future, but for now, here they are!

As for her body/chest, we went the middle road, not too big and not too small, they turned out pretty good I think.

Tenten is one of new ones that wasn't showcased yet, she actually was pretty tricky cause the lack of scenes and stuff involving her. Even in official sources, the designs seem to differ, so it was kinda weird and hard.

Her underwear was easy to find info on though, mostly cause of that bathhouse scene. 

Her chest size was a bit tricky, we kinda went back and forth until we settled on this. Tried to get feedback, and it seemed like people generally don't really care much about her, so there wasn't really any strong opinions on her.

Hinata is probably one of the most anticipated ones haha, so here she is! She turned out pretty well imo.

For netting and underwear are actually 2 different layers, so you can have them both on, or just one of them on, thought it would be something you guys like!

And yeap, finally, a weapon to surpass metal gear, I mean, boobs to surpass Tsunade. Overall I think she came out pretty well, let me know what you guys think yeah!

Finally we have Temari haha, she'll be the main target when you are at Sunagakure, or the Hidden Sand village, she has a lot of layers which was bordering annoying, but I think you guys will enjoy the details!

For her underwear, we didn't have a lot of refs, so we just kinda took her personality and extrapolated from there, hopefully it isn't too bad?

And finally her without clothes!

Whew, so that was a pretty long sneak peek, hopefully you guys like what you see! Do let me know if there's any issues with anything yeah! I'll try to get it sorted out asap!




loving the sneak peek.


I really love the size on Sakura, I think Ino could have been a little smaller, but I'm glad there are still places where not everything is like DDD :D


I think Ino and Sakura look great, neutral with Hinata, and Temari. Tenten on the other hand I think her outfit takes away from her attractiveness.


These characters look like the original,I like that


This is why I support the Doggo. It's so nice to see a parody game where the creator/artist keeps the characters looking like the originals. So many games and artists feel the need to change the appearance for whatever reason and that takes away from the immersion, for me anyway. So keep up the great work!


Honestly I'm interested to see exactly where the story goes from here? Simply more enslaving women or some other angle?


Jikage Rising Arc 1 is pretty awesome so i have high hopes for Arc 2. These older versions of girls are also much hotter imo.


Yeah, not really a fan of games where everyone has overly large boobs and the same body type as well >.<


Ah, it'll be focused on gathering support from the other villages, basically you'll be putting your girls to work (actual ninja work, not "work" XD), I could have a post up sometime soon if you guys are interested!


Sakura's design really takes the cake! Between the svelte shape, tuft of pink pubic hair and THOSE ABS she's my favorite! Can't wait to see what she does. Also, is there a way to change your name?


XD Glad you liked it! No way to change your name after the initial input unfortunately.


Awesome!!! That all look amazing and I can’t wait for the second arc, temari is definitely one of my most favorite characters so I’m super excited to see her In there!!!!