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Whew, a bit late on the update this week, but it's been real busy haha, anyway, let's get started!

First of all, I feel like I need to apologise to the Patrons for the stream of patches for v0.13 of Jikage Rising. There were a lot of issues with the build and had to take a few patches to get everything in and working properly. I was a bit too ambitious with the build and tried to add too many things in the game at a go. Typically, on a normal build, I would add in 2 scenes, 2 events and maybe a third if there's time. This time however, I added in:

-Bonus girl 3 event

-Bonus girl 3 first scene

-Bonus girl 2 level 2 event

-Bonus girl 2's second scene

-A hidden Sakura event

-A hidden Tenten event

-Tsunade's level 2 event

-Tsunade's 2nd scene

Which basically totals to 5 scenes and 3 events. I got a bit carried away and it was a tad too much work to finish up in 2 weeks. I'll try to do things at a more manageable pace next time, and if we get big enough, I'll hire some help! 

Once more, I apologize for this.

Now moving on to progress! For Nano-control, as usual I'll be adding in tiny tidbits for the next release as well! I'll be focusing on adding some stuff for Kat, as well as a scene for some of the older ladies. 

For Jikage Rising, I'll likely be adding in the other hidden scenes for Hinata and Ino in the next update, I'll also try to get the next scene for bonus girl in if possible!

Jikage Rising (Patron release ETA: 18th July for v0.14, Public release: 4th July for v0.13 )

-Bonus girl 3 content

-Hidden scenes for Hinata and Ino

-Bonus girl 1 content if we have time

-Getting some stuff planned out for Arc 2

Nano-control (Public release ETA:18th July, Patron release ETA:4th July) 

-Emma stuff

-Outfit for Kat

-Small quest for Kat

-Lily and Emma stuff if we have time

-Bug fixes if any

Apollo Lexicon (Release: ???)

-Finishing the intro (Done)

-Designing the UI

-Testing the battle system

And yeap that's it! So yeap, here's the links and stuff to my other stuff! Take a look if you're interested yeah!




Doggo's Doujins 


Breon Flowers

i didn't get a level 2 event for tsunade :(

Norman Riggis

Out of curiosity, will Tsunade and/or the side girls be getting costumes like the main 4 have?


When Can I play Jika v0.13 ..? I wait For This


Ah, it's only out for Tier 3 Patrons at the moment! The public release will be on the 4th!


No I am Patreon Now But I cant Download Jika v0.13v Is it update automatically ??


Oh, sorry, the Patron release of Jikage Rising is only for Tier 3 ($5) Patrons cause of the higher cost to make it. The download links are in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jikage-rising-v0-38429245


Oh I understand thanks

Mraz Pendragon

So will we be able to have sex with Kat yet?