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UPDATE: Missed out some stuff, had to remove a clone that Erika made, put up more a fight than expected. Everything should be working as intended now. 

UPDATE: Some quick fixes, there was an issue with the trigger responsible for Haru's and Erika's event, the activation rate is now 30%, which should make things a deal easier!

Woooo! We are at v0.29 now haha, game is about wrapped up haha, for this build not too much was added, and unfortunately Emma didn't make it on time. The sketch is being worked on as we speak though and it'll look something like the bottom of the pic above haha.

For this build we have:

-Random event with Haru that will lead to a BJ scene

-Random event with Erika that will lead to a BJ scene

- Diaries  for all the girls so you can read about the events from their perceptive as they occur (Big thanks to Train and Vizz for it!)

-Bug fixes, lots and lots of bug fixes

So yeah, it's mostly just cleaning up haha. The game should be a deal smoother I hope and less buggy I hope!

Download links:





As always, let me know if there are any bugs!




Where do I find said dairies?


what requirement to unlock the random event?


1 Get the girls to follow you. 2 Go back to their bedroom. 3 Check around the Bookcases.


Waiting for "The One Who Shall Not Be Named"


First of all, thanks for the update! However, I gave Erika the serum and now there is a second erika standing at the bed in her room that doesn't do anything, can't even talk to her. When talking to the 'real' Erika, I don't have any options. Bug?


what does the old guy in the bottom right of the map (where the houses are), what does he do? cos i speak to him then he disappears


Yeah. Doggo is fixing it now. I believe he is uploading the new version


Oh, he's just a cameo character requested by a Patron, he pretty much just give random stuff and says random things like Dragon said haha


Thanks a lot for the fixes. I went through 6 weeks ingame to try to get the Haru/Erika event. I already thought i am just that unlucky. Happy to know I will be able to see the event^^.


Just a couple of things id like to ask, will we be able to fix the damage to the inside of the mansion in the future, and do you have any plans to add any more main girls to the game?


So there's a pretty awesome glitch for thoses who want to know. The random events for Erika and Haru will happen even if they haven't arrived to the inn yet. They just appear if you just walk into their event locations at the right time. I was only on my second week when I ran into Erika


Any plans to do anything with the building straight down from the Blacksmith's shop? The one with no door..


Hi bro, I downloaded the game as soon as the post came out, do I have to download the game again to fix the bugs that arose some time later? (about the erika clone and the problem with the frequency of erika and haru's random events)


Ah, likely to be just flair, will see what I can add though. Can't make any real promises for it.


Oh, you are able to fix the inside by clicking on the cracks and windows. No plans to add anymore girls haha, the game is already ending. For pet mode, just finish the final mind room for one of the girls, click on the cat that Rika and Lena always plays with, and then talk to G and do everything he tells you to!


Didn't expect any promises, just always wondered about it haha


I forgot about this one happening, sometimes when i spoke to kay at night (after i invited her to the mansion) she went through the scene where i get her to help with jace, even though ive already done it? I also had to speak to kay twice to get the jace scene to work the first time


is there any way you could make us be able to give sarah the serum (girl kay was playing with), i kinda feel bad that she's just been left alone?


so i spoke to the cat and did what G told me, but nothing happened?


and will, there be more stuff added for Kat?


You can give her the serum. You have to play with sarah and kay at least 3-4 times before Kay's level 2 scene and find sarah in the forest before talking to kay. If you haven't played with her enough times she won't accept the serum fill water from you.


the Mac versions don't work :/ just creates an unusable files


Ah, might be due to an extraction issue, apparently the default macOS zip extractor renders the game unplayable. Some Mac players told me to ask Mac players to use this to extract the file instead. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353?mt=12


Windows Unable to obtain


Oh this is a really old and outdated build my friend. Try this one instead haha: https://www.patreon.com/posts/nano-control-v1-41263002


thank you!!!