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So I'm guessing everyone is getting a bit of poll-fatigue, so I'll skip the poll for this week, instead: IT_IS_TIME

Time to see who's truly is BEST GIRL. But first, a quick update on what I'm working on. 

So for Nano-control, this build is definitely delayed, I just got the art, but there are some minor fixes needed for the art. I'll continue working on it after Jikage Rising is released as always. 

For Jikage Rising, things are moving somewhat as planned, some animation is slightly behind schedule, but there should be no issues. No promises, but I'll see if I can add in more flavor dialogue this update!

Nano-control (Patron release ETA:2nd May, Public release ETA:16th May) 

-Haru stuff

-Erika stuff

-Emma stuff

Jikage Rising (Patron release ETA: 18th April, Public release ETA:2nd May  )

-Hinata lvl 5 event 

-Bonus girl 2 

-Sakura x Hinata scene

-Ino x Hinata scene

-Tenten x Hinata scene (If we have time)

And now, the moment you all have been waiting for! 

Gathering 56 votes, getting first place for the third time in a row, best girl is: 

Elaine "How the heck does she keeps winning? "

In second place, everyone's favorite  ̶b̶i̶m̶b̶o̶ classmate, missing first place by 1% with 53 votes, it's:


In third place, straight out of nowhere, somehow getting 41 votes, the only entry that makes me think people have been resubmitting this vote over and over again it's:


If you're wondering how the other girls did, Lena, Rika and Gwen are all tied for 4th place with 35 votes each! 

Jace lagging behind all the main girls with only 16 votes, not sure why, kinda sad tho.

Lily gathering 14 votes

Kat with 5 votes

Alexis with 2 votes

Haru and Emma with one vote each.

Also honorary mention to that dude that voted "All of them goodest girl"  

What did you think of the results? Expected, unexpected? Is it outrageous? Unfair? Did the girl perform to your expectations? Let me know! 



First the result is fair for every Main girl character but im happy to see elaine and kay on top.


I was hoping Rika would have ranked higher then I remember she blue balls the player in one of her endings so lol Kinda surprised Sarah made it to 3rd as she has been kept on the sidelines ;) Lena made the fatal mistake of saying the player's dick was small :P The other low ranking girls need more scenes to show off their characters more.


Rika is Love !

Michael Foat

Sarah helps as enabler, but where the hell did the other 40 votes come from? or did everyone else have the same thought as me? (seriously, only did once)...okay better term is trap


Sarah got all the wholesome points.