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Hopefully you all are doing well during quarantine, well as well as one can get anyway haha.

So for today I thought that we can have some fun talking about Apollo Lexicon! Actually it might be too soon for that, let's talk about something else, unless...?

Anyhoo, most of you had a lot of complaints about Tenten's underwear, so it might be a good chance to explain the choice. 

So a lot of you might know, Tenten's outfit is distinctively Chinese styled, take the pic below as an example:

Ignoring the standard issue Chuunin gear, most of her outfits are based off either the traditional QiPao/ CheongSam or ChangShan (a.k.a the Kung Fu shirt). Going by this logic, it wouldn't be too far fetched that everything is traditional. 

At this point, you guys must be thinking: "Wait a minute doggo, it's not Thursday, also didn't they have modern underwear in that episode?" And to that I say, yeap, it's not Thursday, April Fools hahaha, and also, yeah, that's true, but keep in mind that was before/ during the great ninja war, and we're a bit far away from that, I thought that traditional underwear would fit the whole theme, hence the Dudou underwear. 

In retrospect, I might have been overthinking this whole thing in my pursuit for accuracy, and Tenten, who unfortunately has less screen time than this swing:

...didn't exactly make things easy to extrapolate. 

However, I'll be changing it from Arc 2 onwards, so rest assured that it'll be updated, and the cast will have more modern stuff to wear. So look forward to it! 

So yeap, that's about it this time, hopefully it was entertaining, but if it's not, and you guys would rather have me shut up and work on the games instead of doing this or if there's something that you would like me to talk about specifically, just let me know haha. 



Espero que un día traduzcas jikage rising al español porfa.