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Heya guys! Sorry for the tardy update, I knew things were too quiet...

Anyway, let's get into what I'll be doing this week! 

For Nano-control, I'll be working on whatever bugs you all find and hopefully there won't be too many haha. We're almost at the end of the road and it's pretty sad to be honest, but there'll be another game to take it's place, so no worries about that!

As for Jikage Rising, it'll mostly be the focus for this week and the next. We'll be getting into the first bonus girl! Which should be pretty fun I hope! It shouldn't be too much of a hassle considering it won't need to be animated, we might be able to make things a tad more fun this time! 

I'll also be starting to work on some stuff on Apollo Lexicon, nothing too serious, just processing some images and testing out some ideas, pretty exciting to see what's gonna turn out haha. 

So just to wrap things up here's the agenda for this week!

Nano-control (ETA: 7th March)

-Bug fixing

Jikage Rising (ETA: 15 March)

-Tenten lvl 5 event

-Bonus girl no.1

-Updating the UI

-Adding more features (hopefully)

Apollo Lexicon ETA: ???

-Planning stuff out

-Processing images

Yeap! That's it for this week! Hope you guys have a nice week! Just drop a comment if you have any questions yeah! 



Well, when it comes to nano control, you could always add more side activities and flesh out content with side characters more. After all, the shopkeep has an actual character art, then there's the Inn that to this point serves no purpose. Just because the main story is done, doesn't mean there aren't areas to improve upon :)


he said almost at the end so there is something else to see ... and in any case it is useless to continue to "milk" the same cow indefinitely otherwise it becomes repetitive ... more for a writer it is always good to try new ones experiences


Just came from discord(installed it just to follow u) what is your second patreon account, mentioned in that fairy tail comic ?


I'm back on Patreon Doggo!


Ah, that one is still a W.I.P, I wanna get more content ready before I official launch that page!