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UPDATE (8/1/2019): Hey all, sorry for the delay, I updated the game and fixed a bunch of bugs, let me know if anything is still weird. Sorry that this release is a mess.
UPDATE (6/1/2019): Hey guys, I got a new version up that fixes a lot of the errors that were there. The game should be a great deal smoother now I think!

Sorry for the delay guys, more and more conflicting issues came up and it seems like there would be too much to have it all cramped in. I basically had the basic stuff made and ready for now, I'll work on the more detailed stuff while you guys are playing it so you guys won't have to wait that long. Sorry again for the delay, should have known that this would take longer than this and prepared additional content accordingly to tide things through in the mean time.
In anycase, here's the changelog!
Nano-control v0.26 changelog
-Harem ending
-Mind room 5 for Elaine
-Mind room 5 for Rika
-Mind room 5 for Kay 
-Mind room 5 for Gwen 
-Mind room 5 for Lena 
-Mind room 5 for Jace
-Mind break added
-Alternate dialogue
-Updated some systems for future endings 
*-Fixed a bunch of bugs
*-Added broken variant of personal endings
*-Fixed the faceless problem
*-A lot more stuff that I can't remember right now

Download links

Let me know if anything is broken and I'll try to fix it asap!




Trying to enter the 5th mind rooms but I keep getting a locked message telling me I have to break her mind down more


since you are late next week nothing walks so you make up for lost time


after breaking the crystal at lvl 5 gwen become double 1 in room and 1 following us


Lena's eyes appear on the Harem ending but not her base, I've already mind break all of them and when I open my save to play the harem ending again, the game crashes with "Cannot read property '_characterName' of null"


in harem ending lena only showed the eyes...


if I don't break their minds the dialogue doesn't appear anymore I click chat and nothing comes out even the character


Removing outfit leaves the cuffs on Rika and the Harem collar on Kay. Also copies of them are still in line when you want them to follow after breaking them.


if i do level 4 (healthy) i can change to level 4 (broken)


Rika doesn't have Chat dialogue after Control Level 4 upgrade (kept her mind intact). She was not following me at the time. Using the Controller to look at her stats for some reason didn't load her eyes Same thing with Gwen, Kay, Lena Elaine has the eye problem but will Chat after upgrade and same thing for Jace The Plans are complete... It's a shame to see them go but a final message saying so might be better then the game just cutting out when a girl is selected. Maybe a special message if you completed all the girls. So how do you access individual girl's endings if the planner doesn't offer it? Maybe at Control Level 4 just have it offer to display each girls unlocked endings as there is nothing left to plan and it would save a step


Oh, dammit, forgot to add the condition to have them disappear after they follow you, thanks, will get that fixed!


after break some chara mind ( other than lena) at night we cant control to have sex with lena in mansion

A Literal Rabbit

I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but after having reached level 4 for each girl and inspecting them with the inspection tool, they appear to have no faces. Kinda creepy...


Is there a mobile version yet?


I'm not sure if this was intentional, but you cannot have personal endings after doing the 5th mind room.


just saw that Lena can't be controlled after breaking her mind.


I noticed that most of the characters can't be controlled after completing the 5th mind room, or it may be after having done 500 or more points that's done that. Noticed also that when going in to check on the different girls' stats and such, also when changing their clothes while in that mode, they are all faceless... keep in mind that I did use that cheat book to advance the different girls quickly. might be the reason for some of this. Also also, noticed that at enough points to enter -or after the mind room, that the girls I still could control to follow and do the deed at other places than right there. When I got them to the place(s) I wanted, clicked on it, the first two sentences came up as expected, but when you're gonna choosewhat you want to do, the text just ended without you seeing the choices. Hopefully this helps in some way or another, and doesn't seem like cracy ramblings. Other than these things above and some other, more subtle glitches/bugs/problems, I really like the game!


Ah, I managed to fix a bunch of the bugs as well as other annoying errors! The update should be up in a couple of minutes!


Im having a error on the apk, its bringing up errors and i dont have the action buttons and D-pad


kay still does not speak the bug remained


It says i don't have it installed when i try to update the apk


Hmm, when I go to use Kay's 5th mind room, no text comes through


Nano-control v0.26b Took Rika into the woods by the old tree stump however once it ask what should I make her do it cuts out :( Same thing with the public restrooms and the empty classroom


Ah gotcha! Will take care of it! Forgot about those. Thanks for reminding me!


Hmmm, seems like the error is happening for some people again. I'll see if I can fix it!


how is debugging going?


kay started talking again in the evening and the luminescent points are working again ... nothing known is wrong at the moment


I found something ... if you choose the path (healthy) you can use the crystal and reread the description and the change of title to everyone except elaine who says "nothing to do here ..."


The only problem I am having is the app for any of the 0.26.? Want install or update on any of phones or tablet keeps saying files/game don't exist.


after broke all 6 chara cant access to harem ending it showed error Cannot read property '_characterName' of null its at version 26c... its only me?


Looking into it! What platform are you playing it on btw? Also where did you activate the harem ending? In the house or mansion? Might help narrow down the suspects!