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Day 1

Operations: Alright people, as you all know, we have been under siege since 1300 hours. We don't know what these people want or why they are doing this. This facility will be under lock-down, nothing gets in or out. Phones are still down, so we're on our own. I want everyone to backup all important data and secure all sensitive equipment. Let's try to make it through this with minimal losses.

Day 2

Operations: They are still at it. Looks like the doors won't hold much longer, we'll have to prepare for the worst. I want everyone to form teams and prepare to defend yourself, these animals will tear you apart if they find you alone. I want everyone to nominate a team leader for each team, I know you guys aren't used to physical activity, but we don't have much of a choice here. Grab some paper and nominate whoever you think will be the best fit. Get me a copy of their ID so I know what they look like.

Day 5

Operations: I'm not gonna lie, it looks bad. These people... they aren't normal... Don't bother trying to reason with them, they don't seem to respond to anything you say. Our objective is to secure the lab, don't chase them further than you need to. 

Day x

Operations: *Moment of silence* We have confirmation that the people attacking the late were infected with a modified pathogen from Project Apollo. It doesn't seem to affect all individuals, but caution is still recommended. A reminder to all team leaders to not endanger your team needlessly. Dr Flux, please report to operations. 

----------------------------------End of last known recording------------------------------------

Recovered materials




Name of game?

A Literal Rabbit

Looking good Doggo! Sounds great. \


Yes,sounds great


bit of a typo there. "She seems to have become less emphatic" is wrong, seeing as emphatic is an adjectival noun of "emphasis" what you probably meant to say there, doggo, was 'empathic' the adjectival noun of "empathy" which means "to show or have the ability to understand or share the emotions of others" Just a little grammar help for ya. i don't particularly care about smol tyops but if it changes the word entirely it's a whole other matter. as it is it basically says that she's lost her ability to put emphasis on what she says.


Wow, the work has really been done. I wish your creative powers only grow this year. It will be just magical!


I will capture the girl. And I will make her my human pet!!!


not going to lie, at first, I didn't have much interest in when this was first revealed but I was somewhat curious. Now, sir, you have my attention!


Hey for nano-control can you add a cheat that's allowed for you to give the girl control exp