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Heya guys. Wanted a quick check on what you guys thought of the latest update! A couple of stuff were added and some events are kinda experimental, so I wanted to know what you guys thought of it so I can tweak it accordingly! Namely these few things:  1)The level 5 event for Sakura.

Generally the plan for level 5 events will be similar to this and there will be a a picture much like the one in Sakura's event.

I'm pretty interested to know what you guys thought of the event, was it too short? Uninteresting? Didn't make sense and/or didn't add anything of value to the game/plot?

Also curious about what you guys thought of the art, since it was done by someone else.

2)Party companion system

Might actually apply for the battle system as a whole. A while back there was some feedback that there was only one enemy to fight and that you guys probably committed genocide on the bear population in Konoha from all the bears you all hunted. 

Do you find the girls to be useful in fights? Or are they pretty much just deco? Is the battle system wholly unnecessary? Is it too grindy or dull for the game? Have the impression that some of you think that the battles are more of a chore than it being something fun to do. 


For the outfits, some outfits are planned to be randomly acquired, kinda like Sakura's nurse outfit. Was wondering if the ways of acquiring outfits were too grindy? And if you guys enjoyed the outfits design or the system in general.

That's the general stuff that I'm pretty keen in finding out, but I'm also excited to know what other stuff do you guys do you guys want improved or any suggestions that you guys have! Or hopes and expectations of features for arc 2!



The randomly acquired outfits are good idea since it means the player will have to talk to the girls to actual get a possible chance of acquiring the outfit. The party system is a good idea, just wish that you can increase the skill level of the girls a bit. Not on par with the MC but somewhat close. The level 5 submission control event is good, I'm not to sure what changes that can be to improved it but it doesn't bother me.

cody skater

i think you can make combat work its just that as of this moment there is nothing worth doing other than stun and basic attack. and there is no reason to do the missions as far as i can tell. you just get items to use on missions that you won't need if you don't do mission and i got the full control level available while basically ignoring it.as for the outfit grind its hard to say for me cause i had no idea what to do to get the items i'm guessing they were mission rewards but i had no clue what missions gave what. i didn't know there was going to be an arc 2 though that is pretty hype!

cody skater

i guess just a random list you could add to the combat is elemental attacks and weaknesses, party members, multiple enemies plus aoe attacks, dungeons, class system of some kind, remove hp and chakra stat and tie it to levels, gear drops( maybe from strong rouge ninja for flavor reasons)and status effects.


1) Level Up I have no complaints as I like Lovey Dovey girls. Though maybe an option to adjust personally to unlock the Loathing bit at the beginning or Emotionally Blank mode for those that liked the earlier personalities 2)Party companion system * Train Girls (Raise HP, DEF, etc...) maybe with erotic mini games * Let the Girls use Items (Either from the Player's own inventory or a gifting system) * Sexy Enemies (Let's be real we here for the Eye Candy not the Bears :P) Maybe offer Lewd Attacks for them lol 3) Outfits Perhaps add some as unique event or quest rewards or a Merchant that will sell materials for those that would rather not grind lol


forgive me if I reply late 1) level 5 is good this way ... it would have been insufficient if it was the final part of the game but we have other things to do in this chapter and you have 3 more in the program if I remember correctly so it's a great "power consolidation" 2) the battle system needs to be improved. I have no idea what to suggest but I tell you that between one update and another I brought all the statistics to 50 and to win it was enough for me to continue to click on attack and fast forward ... the girls at that level were just a burden 3) I don't mind the collection of resources too much, so in my opinion, building the outfits is just fine, and it's interesting to unlock outfits by doing a lot of interactions or talking about secret phrases. I advise you to add a "cheating" mission that gives 100 of each resource so that you meet both lines of thought (grind or not grind)


Leather seems to be my bane, doesn't seem to drop