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Hey guys! Another week another update! This week I'll be working on Jikage Rising as usual and also fixing any bugs in Nano-control! 

So basically I'll be adding in Sakura's level 4 event in which many many many of you are looking forward to haha as well as Tenten's level 3 event, which would bring all of the main girls to level 3! After which I'll be focusing on getting all the girls to level 5 and the bonus girls. 

So not much progress yet but I'll be getting there soon! 

Jikage Rising progress

-Sakura level 4 event (5%)
-Sakura level 4 scene (20%)
-Tenten level 3 event (5%)
-Tenten level 3 scene (0%)
-Fixing bugs (??%)

Oh, I'll also be releasing a comic for Nano-control in a bit! Hope you all like it! 



if you have some time you should change those two sentences that I have reported on nano-control thanks