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Update 19-08-2019: Fixed the errors mentioned! Sorry about the delay! v0.4d is now live!

UPDATE Again: More errors fixed! People who downloaded v0.4b can use the patch to update the game!

Update: v0.4b updated! Errors with Tenten's quest not progressing and a blank screen in Ino's scene has been fixed!

Heya guys, finally got the update up! I swear the connection gets worst ever year. Anyhoo, have a couple of stuff added, Tenten is now added to the game, and I also have a random scene for Ayame that will trigger randomly everytime you buy Ramen, I also have actual dialogue for the girls now when you choose to talk to them! Have a couple of stuff planned, and I'm working with a bunch of artist to get more resources into the game! Do look forward to it! 

Jikage Rising v0.4a changelog:

-Added Tenten's level 1 event
-Added Tenten's level 2 event
-Added bedroom scenes for Tenten in level 1 and level 2 events
-Added a scene for Ayame
-Added dialogue for all the girls that changes with levels
-Added Icon for game exe

-Working on a quest log as per requested and suggested in the feedback form.

Well anyway, here are the links! Hope you guys enjoy it and do let me know if there are any issues!

Download links

APK (Newer devices)
APK (Older devices) 

Patch for v0.4b/c to v0.4d:

(Just extract the files into the old folder and overwrite the old files.)


Here's the walkthrough if anyone needs it! 




I dont know how to start with Tenten, we train together, she hits the dude in the head and thats it. She also always repeats "Hey, never seen you around before" even though we trained like 5 times already. Also theres still this black screen bug during Ino sex scene(only seem to happen when shes nude and when we unseal her mind)


same here, i had all MAX stats and tenten still says that im weak, Also i have spent all my money in Ayame and anything happened


Heya guys! I have updated the links with the updated version! The bugs you mentioned should be fixed now! EDIT: Oh, sorry, forgot to mention, I increased the probability of a scene triggering when buying from Ayame to 20% now, it should occur more often now!


For the updates/patches I don't suppose you could upload just the for it as well? For example the game folder with the updated scripts only so we don't have to download the entire 500mb game again.


Oh yeah! That can be arranged! But unfortunately there was a missing animation file this time, so I couldn't just do that. I will do it for future uploads for small fixes!


Awesome!! Please let us know when you fix and upload the apk. Thanks!!!


JikageRising-v0.4b-pc Talk to Hinata While running game code: File "game/scripts/dialogue.rpy", line 526, in NameError: name 'rengesus' is not defined


Much appreciated! Though you should be able to put the animation in as well I would have thought? Just have the game folder containing the corrected script as well as the single missing animation. Patch instructions would then to be to merge the game folder (saying yes to overwrite if applicable).


Gotcha, should be an easy fix, give me 15min to upload it! Thanks for letting me know!


Oh yeah, but the animations are all archived into a single file, so it might be more problematic for some people unfortunately.


Ah, you're right. I'm so used to extracting the files for Ren'py games I forget they come packaged!


Haha, it happens! I have a updated patch download link for v0.4b to v0.4c as requested!


Jikage Rising 0.4c Ayame Special While running game code: File "game/scripts/ayames1_scenes.rpy", line 51, in NameError: name 'ahegao' is not defined


Disregarding the bugs(that have been quickly taken care of), it was a really nice update. That animation during Tenten's "Use Toys" scene was amazing, the way she was squirming looked so natural and hot! Damn, mind control and BDSM work so well together^^


Thanks! Now if only you could add it to the Food Menu after you realize she offers such services or a Scene Replay option that keeps track of acquired scenes... But I guess 15 attempts at 400 Ryo isn't too bad lol Also while rather minor in the Menu Primary Targets for Tenten it says "Not implemented yet" instead of "Not controlled yet" like the other girls in the game. It's Fixed as soon as you take control of her so as I said rather minor


If I could just find a way to get past the 'target practice' game ... my reflexes aren't what they used to be and I haven't found a way to cheat it.


Oh, try raising your Dex above 35! The speed of the target will change in relation to you dex! Hope that helps!


Cheating is good. Enable Console; Game Directory\renpy\common\00console.rpy Change: Line 108: config.console = True After the Minigame when Tenten says "Let's see..." Open up the Console Shift+O Type: "$ number2 = 20" without quotes then press Enter Either press Esc or Type: "exit" to exit the Console She will then congratulate you on getting everything right!


I'll add in something that let's you skip the mini-games! Hopefully it helps!


how do i play the Target mini game


Is anyone else experiencing what seems to be a bug with Tenten and the targets I know it says you need to hit three out of four I know for a fact I have done it multiple times hit every single one nothing but bull's-eyes and still it tells me that I didn't meet the requirements I've also tried just hitting the white part also try just saying the red parts even tried clicking each one three times and still nothing but I'm hitting everyone so I'm definitely hitting 3 out of 4


That's weird, that shouldn't happen anymore, it was a bug in the older versions, could I know what version are you playing? I'll check it out and see what's the issue! Sorry for the late reply!


Sure thing it's v0.4d-pc even downloaded patch work to see if that would fix the problem


Oh, hmmm, that's odd, I'll check if I did anything weird. Thanks for letting me know!