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Hey guys, sorry about this, I need to be away for about 10-14 days to deal with some family stuff, unfortunately I would not have access to my pc or the files during that period and as such will not be able to work on the game to update it on time. As such, the game would be delayed for release.

I will try to make it up somehow when I get back. I have already given the details for the relevant commissions to do done to various artist so that progress of the art wouldn't be delayed in my absence, so no worries about this snowballing, worst case scenario we will still have backup art in the event the artist are sick.

Once more I apologise for the delay, I will probably have internet every now and then, so I will try to answer any questions that any of you might have! 


The Frinky Dink Man

Fair enough man you have your own life to live


Yeah I think we'll survive without the 2D nudity while you take care of actual issues. Take your time man.


ok no problem. I hope everything goes as planned


I dunno, some of your players might like snowballing https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snowball