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Update again: Fixed a minor bug that caused the expressions to remain unchanged during scenes.

Hey guys, so it's been a while since we had a post about JR, but rest assured I have been work like heck on it!

So you guys might notice a few changes to the UI, character design and what not, so I'll go through the changes I've made!

v0.1.1 change log:

-Added Ino's anal beads scene

-Added Sakura's footjob scene

-Updated the hypno look of the girls

-Sex scenes now all have an expressionless variant that you can trigger

-Updated and changed the intro

-Updated map UI

-Added background music

-Added battle sprites for Sakura and Ino

-Added a strip scene due to popular request

-Added a Sakura's first control increment quest

-Changed the way sex scenes work

-Fixed a lot of bugs

Future long term plans:

-Improve battle UI

-Update village map (art pending)

-Update main character battle sprite (art pending)

-Add a lust system

-Make stamina a factor in the number of scenes you can do.

There are quite a few things that I need to apologise for about the build, some of the art did not make it on time unfortunately, but I decided that it would be best to release the game cause I didn't want to have it in the oven for too long haha. Some of you are probably getting impatient with the slow release, I am sorry for that, and I will try to do better.

First off, a map is in the works, but it just wasn't completed on time. The artist for the previous map we had kind of disappeared, so I had to find a new artist to draw one, the current one in the game didn't really feel up to what I wanted to see, so I looked for another artist that gave us this:

Unfortunately it didn't make it on time for release, but no worries! I'll have it in the game in the next update!

Another thing that I would like to apologise for is the battle UI, I wasn't really experienced with Ren'py and had to learn most of the things from scratch, but I understand that it is no excuse for the terrible UI for the battle system. I will be spending more time to upgrade it after I sort out some things in real life, the current battle system is a bit of a disappointment.

With that, here are the download links! 



Walkthrough here! 

Please let me know what you liked, what you hate, or if there's anything you will like to see in the game! I will do what I can to improve the game!




It seems i encountered a bug - after i finished Sakura's mission i wanted to check out that Dildo scene but right after the option to have her either nude/in underwear, the game... asks the same question again and it goes into the footjob scene instead.


This is pretty fun so far! My only complaints currently are minor, and I imagine they'll be ironed out with more development time, but to elaborate: I kinda wish there was a "No Further Content" message for Ino, because I was grinding her events for a while before looking at the walkthrough to see there was nothing else. Additionally, during some scenes, the text seems a little inconsistent about whether they're in a trance or not, with the girls sometimes looking emotionless even after releasing control or sounding upset even when keeping them under. Finally, although it seems unlikely due to this seeming to take place during the time skip, but is there any chance of having some Naruko content? Absolutely not critical, but I feel she's severely underrepresented in adult Naruto content. Either way, really looking forward to seeing this develop further!


Glad to see you enjoyed it! The "No further Content" tag sounds like a good idea! I'll start putting it in! Who you happen to know which ones are not responding normally? I had a report that her Footjob scene was stuck in expressionless mode, if you happen to know the exact which scene it was it would speed up the bug fix! However, I'll still look into it in the mean time! Naruko might be a difficult one, really will have to see how it goes considering she's Naruto and all that haha. On another note, would you happen to have any feedback on the story or UI or anything like that?


Will you have an APK release?


I noticed that the antidotes don't actually remove the poison the bees do to you during the special quest with Sakura. I can confirm that Sakura's footjob scene does play out as if you had her stay expressionly.


Gotcha, I'll get v0.1.4 out that should fix the expression problem. I'll revamp the battle system in v0.2 and get the issues sorted out