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Remade the post due to request to vote for multiple options.

Heya guys! I was pretty surprised and stoked when I saw the influx of new Patrons! Thank you guys so much for it! I really appreciate the support! I'll do my best to live up to expectations! 

As thanks and to commemorate this event, I think it'll be awesome if we could add in another set of outfits for the girls! 

Anyone can vote, however votes made by Patrons will be worth more, with higher tiered Patrons having more influence per vote! 

So the options will be as shown! To elaborate on the options a bit it:  

Maid: Pretty much self explanatory, it'll be them in either a french styled maid outfit, or a mix of different styles for the girls, let me know your preference if you have any!

Harem/ belly dancer outfits: This would pretty much be something like Arabian outfits, imagine Jasmine from Aladdin or that genie show.

Nightie/Night gown: So this will be them in sleepwear, which will be a nightie or a night gown (are they the same?) 

Animal ears: This option will give the girls a couple of different animal ears as well as a dress for them to put on, they'll get options like cat ears, bunny ears, fox ears etc! The number of ears they get pretty much depends on the cost, but I'll get as many as I can.

Sexy underwear: So some of you are probably sick of them wearing the same underwear, well, this option will get them all a more NSFW pair of undies. Pretty much self explanatory haha.

Swimsuits: This will give the girls a swimsuit to wear! It can be either a typical swimsuit, or a more sultry one, totally up to you guys! Let me know which one you guys would prefer in the comments, and if the opinions are split in the middle, I'll hold another poll then! Oh, and this will be considered part of the underwear layer, cause only psychopaths wear underwear in their swimsuits. 

Skintight jumpsuits: So yeap, as the name suggest, they'll be getting a skin tight jumpsuit. Imagine zero-suit Samus or Black Widow. Equipping them with this suit will give them +3 def and +2 agi. However, these stats mean nothing in the game. 

Over-sized T-shirt only  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) : So this will give them an over-sized T-shirt. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

So yeap! Happy voting! And once more thank you all for your support! I'll do my best to improve the game! 



Congratulations! For the Animal Ears, will the Smith be able to craft some cute tail accessories to go with them?


Oh man everything is so close you might have to go with all of the above.


When you tell yourself you'll only pick one but end up picking all of em cause you know all the waifus will look good af


Haha, maybe someday when we get another zero behind the total pledge numbers XD


Have to admit oversized T-Shirt was different enough from the norm to get me curious.


Yeah haha, it was something the players in the discord server suggested. In fact, all of them are haha


one question, even if one of these outfits make it in, Will all of the outfits eventually get added into the game?


Oh, they might not unfortunately. Really depends on our resources, time and if there's enough interest.


All of the above? Thinking maybe have the maid be jace, better to have her dominant personality get a bit subservient hehe, Belly dancers should be mom/lena, Nighties for the mom/lena(maybe gwen /kay as they have the figure for it) as they dont seem to fit younger ones imo, sexy undies for all, Animal ears for little sis/gwen/kay/jace, swimsuits/bikinis for all, Skintights to bring out the booty so mom/sis/kay/gwen(not sure about lena) and oversized shirts for the the lolis.


Maybe once this poll ends and we know what the top 5 choices are for the outfits a second poll could determine which outfit best fits which girl :) I agree Jace + Maid sounds great. Maybe Mom + Sexy underwear since she works so hard to keep her son's attention on her. Kay is the type to put on a belly dancer's outfit but maybe Gwen needs it to improve her confidence.


A mix would be interesting, but I kinda like the idea of them all sharing an outfit


Swimsuit maid outfit nightie/night gown animal ears sexy underwear skintight jumpsuits harem/belly dancer outfit