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Heya guys, so I heard a bunch of feedback from you guys about the problems with the mind room! I'm making plans to rework it so that it becomes something that you guys will be happier with! 

Generally the complains were:

-Too much guess work was involved in the mini-game, that coupled with the exp drain system made it rather unfair.

-The room was too plain.

-The event was too bland.

-People were at a lost at what to do during the event.

So to tackle these problems I'll do doing the following below:

-Adding more lore to the event so you guys can know more about the girls, which you would then have to make choices based on the  information. Hopefully this makes the event less plain and reduce the amount of guesswork involved.

-Will redecorate the rooms so that they look more distinct.

-Add an intro of sorts to show what you are aiming to change in the room.

Thanks for the feedback I'll work on these as per the Patrons feedback! I'll leave it as it is for now to see what other ideas the public players have and have the rest of the girl's mind rooms share the same format, do look forward to that! Just wanted to have this post up to let you guys know that I'm working on it!

On another note, some people have questions about what the plan will be for the mind rooms in general, spoilers below, so look away if you wanna keep it a surprise haha.

########SPOILERS BELOW#########

Generally the mind rooms act as a progression bar for level 4, there'll be 5 rooms, each dealing with something specific for the girls. Generally here's what each of the rooms will unlock:

Room 1: (Inhibition) Will make the girl willing to add another girl in your sessions. Will unlock threesome scene for same age counterpart.

Room 2:(Something personal) Something unique to each girl.

Room 3: (Devotion) Will make the girl willing to get pregnant. Makes it easier or harder to get her pregnant.

Room 4: (Kinship) Will make the girls okay with sharing you. Will unlock the orgy.

Room 5: (Final Core) This will be the core of her personality, you will be given a choice, you can either keep her personality, or make her a mindless shell. Be careful though, if you make her mindless, the change will be permanent.

So yeap, generally that's the idea of the rooms, there might be more content for each room, but do let me know what you think regardless!



Is there the option to corrupt them into your personal sow or village public use?


Oh, there will be content about something like that if you pimp them out too much. The system is already in the game, but I'll explain it more once it's closer to release! But generally, if you pimp them out too many times without keep an eye on them, you will lose control over them and they will start to find people own their own (with a drawn scene).


It would be nice to have a switch to reset existing mind rooms (or even levels, as I ended up trigering wrong event once, when I needed to talk to Rika to progress with Gwen and her at the same time and wanted to level Gwen to have her for Rika event, but triggered Rika one), if you are going to remake the the existing two rooms.


Reworking the mind rooms sounds interesting ########SPOILERS BELOW######### For Rooms 1 & 4, Are there any alternatives planned for those who don't want to teach the girls to share or don't want to grind all the girls? Sometimes I just like a selfish and clingy girl that just wants me all to herself :P Though messing with her head really bad turning her into a yandere would also be amusing... I like the personalized harem the game has going so far were you choose your favorites and didn't want to miss out on their Level 4 just because I didn't want their age equivalent counterpart or to go collect them all in a normal playthrough. The time crunch to complete all the girls will probably exceed the current time limit though that's a minor detail For Rooms 2 & 3, These sound great as I look forward to seeing their personality develop along with their figure :D For Room 5, Eh anything special planned for those that just want to keep the girl's personality? Well I look forward to seeing what ways you can tweak and customize each girl :D


Oh, not really at the moment for rooms 1 & 4, but it's an interesting concept! Might go into endings with specific girls after reading it, but no promises for now haha. As for the rooms, you don't need to actually carry out the scene, it basically just "open doors" for you, no pun intended. You will still be able to get to level 4 without having to play the actual scene! As for room 5, the "True" ending will require them to keep their personality, basically it will lead to more dialogue and interactions haha. I will be planning to rework the whole wardrobe system to make the game cleaner and easier to implement more outfits and such! It'll be a big job, but hopefully the results will be worth it!


in regards to adding more stuff to the mind room i was thinking what about it starts with some amount of decoration and as you go through the next mind rooms those rooms become more "raw" and simple