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Heya guys, bit concerned if I did something wrong or if I was not meeting expectations or something. There were about 12 people or something that un-pledged in a row, which kinda made me concerned and nervous. 

Did I screw up or something? 

If I am just let me know yeah! I'm more than happy to take some constructive criticism! 




There's credit card declines going on on my end. Did the pledges actually get cancelled or just disappear?


Is that abnormal for the first of the month? There are always declines and people wanting to cancel payment at the last possible second, 12 doesn't seem like that crazy for Patreon. A few months ago my card got declined, it happens sometimes because Patreon uses sketchy credit card processors. I don’t know how your Patreon numbers have gone, but it definitely could be a symptom of success — more patrons, more people to cancel last minute.


Maybe some folks were expecting more Naruto content? 12 at the same time seems like a bit much though.

Norman Riggis

I find it odd people would drop from you. Especially since you have a $1 tier. That said I don't necessarily see anything being done "wrong". If anything we're getting MORE content from you what with the multiple games.


1. Theres always some people leaving at the end of a month. 2. They were probably expecting more Naruto content.

Galactic Toast

That's just normal for patreon


I'm still here think people just leave cause the can't be patient and wait for a good game.


dw sometimes people have financial problems or are impatient stay calm and do what you love


In my case I still here for Nano, Naruto not much, but patient it's normal in case


As one of those who recently un-pledged, I must say you have nothing to worry about. You're doing great. I can't speak for anyone else but my reasons for pulling out are entirely on my end and you can rest assured that I will be back as soon as I'm able. Keep up the good work.

mr k

Maybe I'm still here because I haven't seen naruto


Oh, another possibility, the US government and Credit Card companies are fucking with anyone that lives in Iran/Venezuala to damage their economies. Could be that as well.


more than likely card companies i get called every month about confirming patron and more annoying than anything i work third shift but i cant get my card company to stop the automated call system from calling around one or two hours after I've gone to bed. i even called my bank and the way patreon is set up i can't get them to not call me every month about my transaction to patron.


They got cancelled, like they dropped out, not the ones that disappear in the beginning of every month.


Hopefully that's the case haha, they started to drop out after the 24th, normally I'm not too bothered by it, but it was just weird that it just went like 10+ in a row. So that kinda made me a bit concerned haha.


They might be the case, in any case I'll get the Naruto game up soon, just been swarmed with real life lately.


That's true, hopefully it's not a symptom of something bigger. I'll try to get the Naruto game out soon!


That might be case, the "in a row" part was the part that kinda freaked me out, but hopefully it's nothing haha.


No worries man! Just wanted to see if I was doing something that people were unhappy with! Good luck with whatever you have on your end!


Ugh, damm that's annoying. Hopefully it doesn't take away too much of your sleep! Maybe try using Paypal? I haven't have anyone calling me about Patreon with it, hopefully that helps you get a better night's (day) sleep!


February is generally a pretty trash month for Patreon and other monthly subscriptions because there's two days less per month to earn money, but you still have to pay for everything as if it's a full 30-day month. Two days might not sound like much, but for example, my sitch is I've got $13/hr with 8 hour days - After taxes, that's a full $190 that I'm not getting this month, and people sometimes have to drop a *lot* of stuff if that kind of situation happens. It's no fun for anyone. Anyway, it's a good chance that that's why people may have dropped your stuff, possibly multiple subscriptions at once, so I doubt it was anything you've done specifically. Might just have slight issues with the product vs time/money invested as compared to other creators.


I'm just broke broke rn lol I've got to make $100 last me a month for food lol


I had problems with my old card (January), not pizza, cokes and Patreon for a time and thought that I didnt plege for two months... but, oh, surprise, the auto is activated with my new card that I use in December.


Hopefully at least some of them were nice enough to do the survey (or whatever Patreon calls it) when removing their pledge that says why they were doing so. I'll admit that if I didn't finally get a job about 2 weeks ago, I would likely be where I'd have to pull my funding for many of the creators I'm a Patron of (though I'd pledge again after I started having income again).