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Heya guys! As usual, I'll list out the bugs here and the their status!

1) Someone appears in your house twice during the afternoon.

Status: Fixed! 

2)Kay and Gwen appears in the tent and their house at the same time.

Status: Dispelled shadow clones.

3)Two Elaines appearing first day.

Status: Destroyed the robot clone, Judgement day is delayed.

The above are fixed as of v0.15b

4) Someone appears in your room even after finishing her quest.

Status: Fixed!



Some bugs in v0.15b Scene that plays if you decide to keep the new girl * ElaineBut she didn't know any better, so I brought her back. This was probably meant to use the MC name tag * At least tink about it think * New girl stays in MC bedroom after reporting back to Larry * New girl doesn't show up in Study Room book of what to plan for next * Revisit old events doesn't have most Level 3 scenes though the book is nice an sparkly The girls judging you based on your previous actions is a nice touch!


Gotcha! Thanks as always man! I'll get it fixed now! The new girl is a secret/bonus girl, so she won't have normal interactions like the other girls! The book thing was intended.


Think I found a bug. When I start the event for Lena lvl2. After putting the serum in the drinks and leaving the house, the screen turns black and the day just ends. Hope I didn´t overlooked something


Looks like the discord invite listed above has gone out of date


Sorry, which link did you mean? The one on the main page still seemed to work.


I tried to play nano control but the screen is turn into black and i cant play it.how do i fixed it.oh,by the way,i play at my smartphone android


At first i play it normal and it still work but now it start turn screen into black


Its okay


List of typos and bugs I've compiled (mostly the former): -When you talk to Kay in the afternoon, one of the lines she says includes "She seems to listen to what to tell her." - not sure if that 2nd to should be you or we (I'm guessing you) -When using the controller to check Rika, one of the options is "Check onther girls" - the n needs removed. It's only on her status page, and not an issue for the others at all -After getting Gwen to lv3, choosing to chat with her in her house in the evening does nothing. The same happens when you try to talk to Jace when she's following you at that level (but not Gwen) -One of Kay's evening chats says "Noting beats a meal at home!" - should be "Nothing" -If you have Jace wearing her alternate clothing, she switches back to her regular clothes for the first text about the light leaving her eyes when you say to control her, but then back to her alternate clothes when she says "What?" (at least when you do it in the classroom) -Having Jace strip in the empty classroom has the text "After I'm statisfied, I send her back on her way." - should be "satisfied" -Having sex with Gwen in her house has the text "She was visibily confused and startled" - should be visibly; it later has "I get to to lean against the wall, and begin to rub my dick against her smooth pussy." - I assume the first to should be her; it later has a part "and as she gets tighter and tigher" where the 2nd tighter is missing a t -Having Jace give you a blowjob in the empty classroom says that you stopped in the woods; that scene later has "to rocking her head back ad forth" where and is missing the n -Having Gwen give you a blowjob in the afternoon in her house has "Though still awkard" - should be awkward; followed by "Her warm and wet mouth, combined her sucking and licking provides a plesant sensation for me." - I think it should be "Her warm and wet mouth, combined with her sucking and licking, provides a pleasant sensation for me."; choosing to cum in her mouth has "She thens shows me her mouth, filled with my semem." - the s needs to come off of then, and semem should be semen -Having Elaine give you a blowjob in her room during the night has at the end after choosing to cum in her mouth that you send her back to town, which makes no sense -When you give the serum to Kat, it says she takes a slip - should be sip -After choosing not to give Kat up, it has "ElaineBut she didn't know any better, so I brought her back." which is said by you and not Elaine, so I'm not sure what Elaine is there at all; later has Elaine saying "Eventhough" without any space between the words; you later say "At least tink about it?" - should be think -Having sex with Jace in her room "Her moist pussy clentches on tighter and tighter" - should be clenches -Doing anal with Elaine in the evening says at the end "I ask her to get dressed and we go out own ways." - out should be our


Thanks a lot man! I fixed everything here! I'll get the updated version up soon!