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UPDATE: Updated to v0.14d and fixed some bugs! 

Heya guys! So v0.14c is now out for the public! There are some pretty fun content for Jace and Gwen this time round which I think you guys might like! Quite a few of you joined the streams lately, and probably now have a good idea of what's coming next haha.

But anyway, for this release, we have:

Jace's level 3 event

Gwen's level 3 event

Peddlers in the square now sell items

Jace's level 3 repeatable events

Gwen's level 3 repeatable events

Inspection mode update, will now reflect arousal levels and control levels!

And some misc fixes for bugs and glitches!

Enough of my nonsense haha, here are the download links for the game!





As per usual, let me know if you guys have any comments, feedback or any bugs to report yeah!

P.S. Speaking of feedback, for the Patrons that might be looking at this, just a gentle reminder that the alpha demo for Jikage Rising is now out, you can download and play it here! Do leave me feedback on what you thought of it!

I have a small survey and a quick peek of what the next game will be about here! 




Trying to open the apk version - I get this error: Loading Error Failed to lod:/.img/system/DirPad.png


Sorry, there was an error, I updated the links to a working version of the apk now!


Noticed a few minor bugs but otherwise the update was fun Revisit old events Rika, Gwen, Lena, & Jace level 3 events don't replay; Also would be nice to replay variants of the scenes When viewing History page why does Elaine, Gwen, Jace, and Lena have "Sex with you" but Rika and Kay have "Sex with controller"; Like the "Sex with you" better as it's more personal When talking with Gwen inside her house during the evening she changes outfits without being prompted to do so Gwen can't play with Kay and Sarah even though she wants to Kay's mother Lily has a few corrupted name tags when talking with her in her house In Kay's room she will address the player as both their name and master when talking with her In MC room a cloud covers the sparkly book In the Town Square, the building on the top right has an extra roof tile When is the Restaurant/Inn going to open so I can take the girls out to dinner? Elaine offers somewhere else to eat out, that sounds like fun! Does Elaine's Arousal ever go down? Besides making them blush is there anything planned for then they are highly aroused and not satisfied? Would be funny if they ambushed the player for sex Taking to G triggered giving Elaine an Aphrodisiac even after she is at level 3 Can't seem to give Aphrodisiacs to any of the girls other than when it's scripted... This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't loose one like it was a regular potion When spiking Derek's drink his name tag is corrupted When you first wake up and quickly read the note listed next to your bed it gives a message "You shouldn't be able to see this, let me know if you see this message" Days Left can go into the negative, wondering if this will mess with my save? Jace after Thug confrontation "Wake up your fucking idea!" I'm not sure but that doesn't sound right... Maybe "What's your fucking deal!?" Jace calls the player "master" in her lvl 3 scene even if instructed to use the player's name instead... Though this may just be Jace's Failure to Follow Instructions Maybe make some of the foliage be beneath the player since sometimes clovers and other flowers block the path Could use some small flavor text for the bathtub/shower and kitchen so they don't feel so empty


Gotcha! Thanks, I'll try to fix what you mentioned and try to implement some of the stuff you suggested!


Linux version does not work (Ubuntu 18.04)