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Update: v0.14c out, some features were added and some bugs were fixed!

Heya guys! Here we are the first release of the new year! With this, all the girls are officially at level 3! There are gonna be some fun content ahead, but before that, we should probably catch up on some missing art such as the public use art for some of the girls.

Anyway, for this release, we have:

Jace's level 3 event

Gwen's level 3 event

Peddlers in the square now sell items

Jace's level 3 repeatable events

Gwen's level 3 repeatable events

Inspection mode update, will now reflect arousal levels and control levels!

And some misc fixes for bugs and glitches!

Anyway, here's the download link!




Let me know if you guys find any bugs and glitches yeah and I'll try to fix it asap!

Bug reports here! 

On other news, some of you have been asking me about the status of the other game, I'll try to get a demo out asap and have it released to the patrons to get some feedback on the art, story and mechanics! I'll keep you guys updated on the status of the game! If it goes well, the game might have provide funding for a lot of fun stuff for both games! 




can't access jace lvl 3 also if i go inside and talk to gwen on the recount of her lvl 2 then once it finish it takes you to the recount room (glow orb on the mc room)


I see! There seems to be an error with Jace's level 3, I got a patch up! Just merge the data folder and activate her quest once more, it should work then! I'll get a updated version up in a bit!


cant talk to jace when she is in front of kay house


Oh, that seems to be a mistake that I made, it should be working as intended in the next update!


Any word on 0.14c coming out? Or have the current bug fixes been implemented in the current 0.14b?


Most of the bug fixes have already been implemented in v0.14b! Is there a bug that has not been fixed? Just let me know and I'll get on it right now!


Gonna try commenting here, since it doesn't seem to want to let me do it on the actual bug list post (it just disappears). Several things I noticed, most being more along the lines of typos though: -During Gwen's lv3 event has "Does your pathetic likes being teased by girls?" - I assume dick was supposed to be between pathetic and likes (which should be like). -During Gwen's lv3 event has "It seems like little this boy here isn't going to hate it does it?" - "little" and "this" need switched. -Talking to Gwen while she follows you sometimes says "Gwen>Is the place we are going close by?" -Talking to Gwen in her house after lv3 control and choosing "Chat" does nothing. -Repeat assertiveness training has "She then uses her palm and rubs my the tip of my dick with it." - "my" needs to be removed. -Gwen doesn't ever seem to call you Master if you tell her to do so (seems like general chat hasn't been made to reflect the increased control level like it does with other girls, including location specific ones). -When you try to take Gwen into the empty classroom after lv3 event, it asks what you want her to do, but then acts like you chose "Do nothing". -You are unable to enter Gwen's or Jace's mind again after finishing her lv3 event. -Classroom event between Jace and Kay has Jace repeat asking Kay what she wants (only repeats once though), and bussiness should be business. -When in Jace's mind at the scene with the mean/unpleasant girls talking about her, Jace walks left, up, then left before she starts talking to them. The girls are to the right though, so the 2nd left seems like it should be to the right instead. Would you like me to assist with spell checking? I'm a native English speaker, and my spelling is impeccable. You could send me a text file that I could go through and then return it to you. I figured that might be easier than posting a wall of text (though I will say your spelling is better than the majority of games I've played). I wouldn't ask for money in return, as I can work pretty quickly on that sort of thing (and I wouldn't even have any idea on what would be appropriate to ask for).


Oh wow, thanks! It's a bit difficult to extract the dialogue and import it back to the game cause RPG maker is a bit troublesome to deal with in this regard, but thank you for the offer! But I might need your help in the next game though haha. I'll get these errors fixed asap! Thanks again!


Any news on the android version?


Making some updates to make it more stable, should be out pretty soon! Wanna make sure the apk is stable least the player have to uninstall and lose all their progress haha.