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Heya guys, as promised, here's the announcement that I mentioned! 

So as you all noticed, Nano is reaching it's end soon, and due to the nature of the updates planned (level 4), it'll be mostly scene intensive with not many events or quest and also the secret characters, which require a bit of art. 

I can't really rush Aiy to do all the artwork quickly cause:

a)He has other commitments like his Patreon and other commissions to deal with, not to mention real life, so it's basically the same 2 scenes/ characters per month thing with us

b)it might look pretty bad if it was rushed.

So basically, to prevent the situation where I'm "milking" you guys by releasing content "slowly" I decided to make something else with the "extra time" that I will get. Which I think is only fair to you guys. 

So yeap! This would be the next project that I'm going to work on! Basically I've been preparing behind the scenes for a couple of months, this was actually second in line of potential projects, but plan A was too expensive hahaha (I'm not crying I swear). So yeap, decided to move on to this instead! If you have been in the discord, you've probably seen a few of the art, and the animation, which looks pretty good if I do say so myself haha. 

Here's a bit of a quick preview as to what they look like!

A few things that I should address:

Nano-control is not getting abandoned, this project is mostly to "keep things fair" for you guys, so that you all get your money's worth. I will still be adding in all the threesomes scenes, endings as well as scenes for the secret characters, it's just that, as I said, these updates are art intensive and might seem small. 

And on the issue of the game itself: 

-There will be different versions of the girls at different timelines, so we will get their other designs soon, no need to worry about that!

-The current girls that are currently planned will be Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Anko, Shizune, Kurenai, Ayame and Tsunade.

-Due to "pre-support" from numerous sources, the scenes will be animated, an example can be seen here

-Due to the higher cost, I will be rearranging some of Patron rewards which will affect this game only, the rewards for Nano-control will not be affected in the interest of keeping it fair.

-And yeap, as you guys can see, there will not be any exaggerated features like anorexic waist or oversized boobs and butts, I'll try to have them as accurate as possible. (Tsunade, Hinata will be large chested, while Sakura will look flat etc)

And that's about it! Let me know if you have any concerns or questions about the game and I'll try to get them answered as best as I can!




I like this game but i love amazing another char your team creation n quest so good. Not like old char or in manga. ♡♡♡.. This is my own opinion. Sorry if you do not like many of you


Really liking the art and decision to keep it accurate. What will be the new price tier? Is it being made on this Patreon still? And finally, when can we expect to start poking at a first build?


No it's fine haha, I understand your concerns, but rest assured I will still be adding content to Nano-control! So do look forward to that haha.


Mostly just a small shuffling of the current tiers mostly due to higher cost of making this game, but Nano-control won't be affect in the interest of being fair to all current patrons, so no worries on that end haha. And yeap, it will still be made on this Patreon! The intent is to give you guys more value for your pledge after all! There will be a demo build, probably around mid to end December, but depending on whether if I'm happy with the quality of it, I might only release it to a small group to get a rough general feedback, mostly cause I don't want something too horrible haha. Also, glad you approve of the art direction! You probably might have guessed but I'm not too fond of getting hypersexual proportions for my games XD


Will this also be a mind control game? I would very much enjoy that


Upgrading my tier just for that.


Will the main character be Naruto or just a self insert?


Oh, it's going to be an OC! Mainly cause I'm trying to make it a parallel kind of thing before some changes happen.