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So here's the list of the bugs found in v0.7 so far, I'll update the list as time goes!

Bug list

1) Selecting "New game" starts you off at the wrong place.

Status- Fixed

2)Elaine's lvl 3 quest get's stuck at a point

Status- Fixed

3)Unable to exit the new unlocked area after clearing Elaine's level 3 quest

Status: Fixed

4)Kay's alternative outfit is not available in the tailor.

Status: Fixed

5) Invisible thugs when first entering tent too OP

Status: Thugs nerfed, invisibility removed.

6)Elaine's clothes change back and forth during some sequence.

Status: fixed it, but if you all find anymore let me know!

7)Control sometimes doesn't work on Elaine.

Status: Fixed

8)Game crashes when asking Gwen to follow you.

Status: Working on it.

9)Gwen will block Rika's way when trying to give juice, freezing the game.

Status: Ask Gwen to move when Rika is moving.

10)Spelled Calm as Clam.

Status: Clams were removed.

11) Elaine doesn't respond when talking to her in the shop

Status: Asked her to respond.

12)Can't control Elaine.

Status: Should be fixed.

13)Kay's portraits not loading.


14)Gwen freezes the game when asking her to follow you and there's a error shown.

Status: Fixed, it was a conversion issue that carried forward to the current game. There's a link for the patch in the release link for Patrons, just extra the .rar file and merge the "www" files together, it should fix everything. 

15)Game will freeze and crash in the form of a "split" error when checking the questlog after completing Elaine's level 3 quest.

Status: Fixed, will upload v0.7e soon! 

16) Lena's lvl 1 event repeats itself when talking to her.

Status: Fixed

17)Kay's lvl 2 event repeats when talking to her.

Status: Fixed

18)Talking to G resets will trigger the dialogue for Elaine's lvl2 quest even after completing it.

Status: Fixed

Everything above has been fixed as of v0.7e!

19)When bringing Gwen to work at the shop, Emma refers to her as Jin.

Status: Told Emma about her mistake without embarrassing her.



How is the level supposed to work, when you are upgrading control of mom? I'm stuck after talking to her, where she mentions "Another wrinkle..." and supposedly should disappear "She's gone...?" (which she doesn't). The flames aren't moving according to "Like they are gonna start moving if I take a step...". EDIT: Seems like the tailor doesn't sell the Sexy Sailor outfit. Also, I can't seem to hide the bear.


The flames won't move, I can't hide the bear to control Gwen and starting a new game after you have entered your mother's mind takes you to this area where she asks you what you want her to call you but you can't do anything else.


A few things to comment on. Are we not supposed to be able to do anything in the mom mind room yet? Also a couple of bugs show up once you have your mom change clothes namely that when you tell her to do something occasionally the image of her will go back to her normal clothes temporarily. There are also a couple times where control will not work while in the sexy outfit like when she is at the store. Also, the thugs in the tent are apparently invisible when they first attack you. Other than that the content seems alright if short, don't feel like too much of a prick messing around in the moms head which is nice.


If you come to rika's door with juice while gwen is there, rika just walks into her and gets stuck


1)Yeap, the room is a work in progress, gonna have more stuff in later on! 2)Could you let me know which parts specifically? Must have missed some, sorry about that. 3)I just fixed this, let me know if there are still problems! 4)Yeap, not intended at all, got them visible again. Thanks for all these!


I'm getting a <a href="https://ibb.co/dG3sg7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ibb.co/dG3sg7</a> error when I change Kay's outfit. Would this crash with an older save?


I see, the game must have not load the needed resouces, I'll load them in manually, give me a sec!


When Rika is level 0, you can still find out when Gwen comes over, but the quest breaks if you do


Oh yeah, after you complete the level 3 quest, you can't control Elaine while she is in the town square


And sometimes when you pick the chat option for Elaine after level 3, it just does nothing


When I talked to Kay after changing her clothes, the game kept trying to load the picture of her in her sailor uniform, but it kept failing. Sorry if it seems like I'm griping over small stuff


No, it's my fault that all these things are happening, there was a problem with the engine that made it not load her pictures. Sorry. I have it fixed and will be up soon!


when i command gwen to follow she disappeared immediately and game kept to load her back.


Thought I fixed it, weird, can I know if there was any error message or something?


When Kay is wearing the Alt outfit, you can't see her when she is playing with sara and when you can't control her after you refuse to play with them.


and Gwen disappears when you get her to follow you during class or in general


I got a patch for this up in the main release post! Just merge the "www" folder together and it should work as intended! It was an error that sneaked over when the game from converted from Ace to MV


Here to report some bugs with 0.7d. 1 - Kay's alt costume only shows up when you 'chat' with her, or take some action. When you select her you see her in her default school uniform, but the moment you chat or such with her it reverts to the alt uniform. 2 - In your previous note you state you've done the Public Use system &amp; quest? If so I can't find/trigger it - I have checked my remote control, checked plan system for every girl, tried talking to the clown (see next bug), and tried using the girls in public to no avail. I have all girls, apart from Gwen, at max level, but all refuse to do anything in public whether I try doing so from the 'control' menu, or with them as followers. When I have Elaine as my follower and try "Sex" with her in public all I get is a "Not Implemented" msg. 3. If I go back to talk to the clown and select 'chat' I get the dialogue from Elaine's lvl 2 quest about using a certain drug 3 times in 1 day. I also get the quest msg popups for that as well. 4. Lena's lvl 1 quest in the forest on Saturday repeats itself. So if I talk to her in the forest, I do not get the usual menu... instead it repeats the 'cat grabs amulet &amp; go catch cat' quest. This also completely resets your control level of Lena - so prior to doing this I had her at around 85, but after repeating it she was back to 15 and still level 1. Note - I did not start a new game, so using a save from a few versions ago (can't remember which sorry). Note 2 &amp; question - thugs in the tent? Is this part of either Gwen's or the Public Use quest? Asking because after reading other comments above someone talked about thugs in the tent, and I've never found anyone in the tent...


Hi man, thanks so much for the extensive bug report! Sorry there were so many of them. 1)I'm working on Kay's outfit issue now! Should be fixed before the public release. 2)Go to the mayor and ask him about the tent. I made it pseudo secret-ish XD 3)This is a problem, I'll fix it, shouldn't be too hard to solve. 4)Should be a smilar issue with Elaine's quest, I'll get it sorted out. If the quest log doesn't crash the game, the safe is good to go! I made it that the quest/ saves can be carried forward! Note 2: Time to find out XD


One last bug. If kay has her alt outfit equiped, you can't control her anymore


Oh, that's a new one, could I know where does it happen? Or does it happen everywhere you try to control her?