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Sorry that this came out quite a bit later than the public one, power tripped while I was typing this, and had to find the source that was causing it before I could continue. 

Anyway! Here are the options for what to focus on on the next version! 



Maybe you should go back to Elaine and add some content to the scenes. Some of them (BJ) are really short. You don’t need to buy new art for this and I think this would improve the game a lot. In the long run, I would love to see some more levels and details: Like strip down works at first only to the underwear, a HJ and so one. Maybe you think about the whole “silent treatment”. I don’t see any benefits for your game. A state of “confusion” at the beginning which turn to “fully in love” would maybe be interesting? There is a bug: You can’t chat normally with Elaine after she got to level two. Overall you are doing a great work, can’t wait for the next version. PS: Can you give us Patreons a little hint about the new character? Pretty please?