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Hey guys, sorry for the late update this week, working on something that I think you all will like and the process was pretty tedious unfortunately. 

For the new people joining in, I normally make a post a week to either show what I'm working on or a sneak peek or something. It's mostly to show that I haven't disappeared without a trace haha.  

So let's get to it, I'm currently working on:

1) Some quality of life improvements for the game, which consist of a bunch of stuff that you guys were requesting, like being able to play with one hand, skipping text, higher movement speed, etc. 

2) A level 2 upgrade event for Elaine, mostly cause I want to be able to introduce the wardrobe system soon.

3)Talking to followers, this one was also something that a lot of you were asking about. Been planning to add this in, might as well do it now.

4)(Maybe) The indoctrination event for Rika.

5)Probably some other stuff that I forgot.

So yeap! Not too much for this month cause of the quality of life improvements that I'm making, really think you all will dig it and will get why it's taking a huge chunk of my time to get it done once it's out. The Patrons already know why, (mostly cause I need to let them know that I'm not sitting on my ass and wasting their money,) and I think the rest of you all will like the surprise! 

So yeap, as per usual, just shoot me a mail or leave a comment if you have any questions yeah! 



This is pretty great. Not to be impatient, but I can't wait for the next build of the game!