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Robert Quinlan

Oh damn her eye is gone for good. I was hoping it would grow back


Perhaps it did, but the area is still swollen. Fingers crossed. Now...I wonder if that wolf we see here had a very pleasant evening...


Actually, there's one clue in which she gets her eye back, which is concept art where she's a hybrid of both werewolf and human, and in those concept art, she has both her eyes, and Wereworld told me that it's for a part in the story where Sue's werewolf curse had evolved to take on that form, though I was told about this before chapter 5 came, so...


Poor Sue. Hope the eye ist just swollen and not gone. Wonder what happened to Ashley. But shouldn’t the eye grow back? Her human eye popped during transformation

Eric Young

I woundering if that wolf is ashley


Nice idea. It’s all Ashleys fault.


And the plot thickens


I can definitely see the missing eye as another classic werewolf movie reference. in this case, Silver Bullet.


And also that one common trade that werewolves have is regeneration, similar to that of an axolotl.


It will come back as one concept art hinted at.