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Luke Armstrong

What is amusing about reverting is that you can simply read the comic backwards and be a transformation. I've been following your work since November 2016, all those years ago. Times were simpler back then. How I miss those days. I have to say since Sue's first change your style changed one thousand percent for the better (and that's saying something, since the first comic was already a seriously fine work). It is truly remarkable.


The transformation never gets old, even reverts since you draw it so well.


Cool one :D. I hope you won't forget the feet ;)


Really dig the reversion of the hands on this one. Excellent work as always!


My gosh, thanks so much for that Luke! It's crazy to think it's been that long! XD I miss those days too...but hopefully better ones are ahead. :) I'm so blessed to still be able to created these comics for you guys, I don't know where I'd be without it. Much love!