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That's a wrap on Chapter 5 folks! :D

I hope you guys enjoyed this ride! It's been a really fun and challenging one. What does the future hold for Sue and the town of New Salem? Well you'll have to wait and see! For right now, TSWWS will be set on the back burner as far as new chapters goes.

For the time being, my focus will be diverted mainly to the Cycles series. I'm almost finished with the first episode and looking forward to the next one that's already waiting in the wings!

Thank you all for your support and feedback with Girl's Night. My goal was to make this chapter special and memorable and I hope I've succeeded. Reading your comments and critiques makes it all worthwhile and I can't WAIT to continue this story with you.

- Were




And she’s dead (unless it’s another dream/nightmare)


Dammit! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾The best so far.


Wow.... You really went there...




Damn but if she didn't make a go for it


You magnificent bastard, you! You did it! You really did it!


Damn, that was a wild ride. We gonna get some spirit goodness a la Werewolf in London? Really nice work though, you deserve a break.

Scott Blundell

Awww dam, thought she was guna make it🤕


Oof. Definitely not looking good for our friend Ashley. 😭 Thanks so much for that wild ride!


2020 has been a rough year... "You don't say?" - Ashley


Very nice. Thanks for the great Art and story. My thought on Ashley, no sympathy here. Sue is not to blame she tried everything to protect her friend. If Ashley would end up dead or also infected she is the only one to blame :)


I want the last scene to be a dream. It's hard to lose a best friend.


If it ends like it seems to end, then it is truly a horror werewolf flick :). Congratulations!


Well, Sue did tell her to run.


It seems like Sue was coming at Ashley from the front but the drool was dripping behind her, maybe another beast got to Ashley before Sue 🤨. Other than that this was a great comic, I can't wait to see more!