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I know I'm leaving out a couple people but I'll be adding them later I'm sure :) Plus there's many more on the way I can't wait for you guys to meet!

I'll just be routinely updating this one with new characters as the arrive!




Is Sue’s condition hereditary? Has that been established? Or is she the usual “bitten on a moonlit night?”


I'm curious to see when we'll get to see half-transformed Sue. Like, is this a form she could get and stay in? Would this be foreshadowing of her getting some level of control over her curse?


Believe me! I'm a just as excited! :D I think I may like that form over her larger wolf form myself 😆


Hmm I am unsure which Sue I like more, the big beast or the wolfgirl... both do have some charme. The wolfgirl is more spooky as you can see the human in it doing all the evil stuff


On the opposite from previous comments, I really fear that a "half-sue" in control of her powers would damage the horror atmosphere of the story. A furry superhero seems to be out of place here but this is only an opinion: in the end, you know better than anyone the direction you want to take with the comic. To the date, and fortunately, it has been unique in its theme, with appealing characters and a coherent story :).


And about the characters themselves, just if you let me, I would recommend you to stick with a not very large group. It is always better if the characters are a bit developed and not were put there to die (for example :P). For example, knowing a bit of someone who is going to die makes his/her death felt as important, and not only for the body count... in the end, the reader should feel that he cares about the character who's going to die, in order to give some impact to that death,


Trust me, she's not gonna be some super hero ;) What I have planned will still be cemented firmly in horror. 😉👍