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I see the knobs of the stove behind Ashley ... “Chekhov’s Stove” perhaps? 😏 Maybe someone saw “Dog Soldiers”? (If you haven’t, you should...)👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


Better think quick, Ash. 'Cause this is gonna get worse.


"'Scuse me, comin' through, beg your pardon, nice doggy, excusez-moi, excuse me..."


Second time she's lost an eye. Ay yiyi


I cant really see what the lower panel shows? The muzzle? Anyway I love the drawing but I feel for Sue, no way she is still having Ashley as a friend next morning


Assuming that Ash survives the night, I think they still remain friends. Sue's eye probably regenerates, and Sue seems wise enough to know that Ashley was merely defending herself. As for Ash, she isn't going to abandon her...but she won't be snapping any more cables either.


Thanks for comments and speculations guys! its so nice to see how engaged people are with the story, hopefully means I'm doing something right 😁


Meh... Not sure, this horror is bound to leave some marks. How would you feel if your friend turned monster and tried to kill you... Sure you would be telling him and yourself everything is fine you don't blame him ... But you know he was a monster that tried to kill you.


Lol at the thump thump thump thump. XD