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Hey everyone! Since we've got a good number of newcomers recently, I thought I'd go ahead and drop all the Sue pages so far in case anyone needs to get caught up.

Chapter 2 may look strange as it was done way back in 2017. It will more than likely undergo the same redux as Chapter 1 did but the story won't be altered an any significant way.

Thanks everyone for all your support! :D Enjoy!



Alec Whitacre

So Chapter 2 is still canon?


yep! just going to condense it, adjust the dialogue but the events will remain.


It is just a friendly advice, but maybe going back to older stuff tends to be quite stressful for everyone, so I believe that going on with newer things would be better for you, in any senses. I would only touch it the day you'll decide to publish this or whatever, but not sooner than that. I say this because you currently have chapter unfinished, the first one not entirely colored, and don't forget about cycles 5... but is it entirely up to you.


Is anyone else having problems where only certain pages are downloading in the PDFs?

Jose Almeida

As a newbie, this is very much appreciated!