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Hey guys! This one took me some time, sorry for the delay, went through a lot of rearranging and changes but SO FAR I think I'm happy with how this page turned out. On the bright side Ashley seems to be finally getting her ass in gear...now if she could just keep her center of balance...




At this point, if she makes it out without breaking her own neck while crossing a door, that'll be a miracle. XD Great work, though! :p


Apparently Ashley wants to die. She could be the poster girl for „what not to do when your Friend turns Werewolf“ 😈 Love the art and story. Thank you


As drama-preserving handicaps go, a bump on the noggin is pretty unique.


I don't consider it a delay. Each page you're delivering is like a building of tension. 😳 You know you're onto something when your storytelling is on point visually with your choices that I literally can't help but think when the next page is coming. Sometimes... It's best to keep the suspense. This is also like a masterclass for me. 😌 👏🏾

Eric Young

She got scratched and now she cursed


Well. I do hope the protagonist gets out. Without a scratch but have a feeling that she may get a scratch.


Bahron, you don't know how much that means to hear. My goal from the beginning has been to tell a compelling story with likable characters and suspenseful moments. Thanks so much for the kind words and support. I hope to keep you entertained, it's what it's all about :)