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Two in one day!!!


Yesss ! Two in one! And the tf begins !!!


I see Ashley has selected the "die" option in "run or die". Let's see what happens next.

Eric Young

Run and get bitten and survives my gess

Magic Man

would be nice to see her infect ashley


Yes time to transform! My guess is Ashley is going to become a monster as well, I will be surprised if she dies


Last panel, is she speaking Cantonese?


the question is why she didn't transform earlier when she was chaining herself up?


"Friend just standing there watching friend TF" is a cliche at this point. :D

Eric Young

But a good cliche

Eric Young

Unless Ashley starts changing to


yeah I know. but I look at it this way. this isn't just some random person Ashley is seeing horrifically changing before her eyes. This is someone she loves, cares about, has known most of her life. I think its pretty believable she'd at least be in such shock that she'd stick around for a few extra moments. Dont worry, it wont be long ;)


naw, just my bad hand writing lol i haven't found a good gravely monster font so I'm improvising for now. should read ""Ah-aowah"


Ah... sorry to see a friendship ending due to differences.


She'll end up running for the car and make up alive, but as in every good old fashioned movie, she will waste some precious time watching in horror, until the last moment. If there is another monster out there, I bet for another blondie.


Everything is better with a friend... or packmate.

Alec Whitacre

I thought she said "Ah Powah" I was like oh, already taking over?