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Hey everyone. 

I figured I'd take a minute to address the current epidemic spreading across the globe. I contemplated even saying anything in fear it would just add to the hysteria. In the current climate we live in it seems harder and harder to find the truth about anything. I don't know how truly bad this is compared to every other disease that's come around in the past few decades, but I know I've never seen a reaction like this from around the world. I know it seems to be worse depending on where you live. Here in America I don't know exactly how bad it will get but I suppose only time will tell.

Please, please, PLEASE, just take precautions. I have faith we'll get through this madness. I know you've already heard it, wash your hands, keep your distance and what not so I don't wanna beat a dead horse. But please just stay safe out there. Keep eachother in your thoughts and prayers and stay inside as much as you can. It'd be a good time to load up those steam games you've bought during flash sales but never played over some ramen noodles. ;) 

Take special care all.

- Were


chad hundley

Way too much overreaction, its gonna hurt a lot of people rather than help them.


It is true, there are people overreacting about it and this is not good for people to keep safety, but don't get too overconfident. I am from Spain and here in Europe we are having trouble with the epidemy especially in Italy… Yes it is not that deadly unless you are old or have other patologies, but it is very contagious, so i would be careful if i were you, A lot of people here in Spain were overconfident that these only affected Xina, that it wasn't that bad and even laughing and making jokes about it, that was a couple of weeks ago, and look at the situation we are in now, now is not that funny… WereWorld is right, stay at home as much as posible, have hand higiene and don't take this situation as a joke, because it's not. Hope it doesn't get worse and that it doesn' t affect America the same way it affected Europe. I am sure this will get better with time, stay save people, take care Were.


I do pray that it is over soon with minimal casualties. But I don't like the math. https://medium.com/@Jason_Scott_Warner/the-sober-math-everyone-must-understand-about-the-pandemic-2b0145881993


Chad, how is what's going on an overreaction? If people, governments, and the media WEREN'T making a big deal out of this, people wouldn't take it seriously. Remember, nobody is young forever and there will be future pandemics. How we behave today will shape future reactions, just as we learned from prior ones.