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Hey everyone! I'll be working to get the next Cycle page up this week as well as some patron rewards.

I wanted to say also thank you guys for all your support. I'm sorry that posts haven't quite been as frequent as they used to be. I'm having a tough time adjusting to this new job I have. The hours I have are super late and long. The days I have off I try my best to spend working on these pages and rewards but it's like running on fumes most of the time. I hope you all will bare with me for awhile. I'm hoping my body will finally adjust to this crazy new sleep/work schedule and I can get back to my usual workflow. There's so much I want to get to and it kills me how slow it seems to be getting there. However I won't quite working. This still brings me so much joy and especially that there's so many of you who enjoy it as well. :) Thank you again! 



Alec Whitacre

All is well Mr Wereworld, thanks for sticking around, you'll be up and at-em in no time!


It's great to hear you got a new job though! It will all sort itself out in the coming weeks and months causing you less stress and maybe you even have some more time again for the stuff you love so much. <3