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Who says you can be too young for back problems? :P




Wow, it turned out to be fabulous!! And with delaying the growth of fur in her back you have made the transformation effect more visible... the opposite is a mistake that many people (in comics and live-action) do, and as you demonstrate here, seeing the skin furless during the change is a success.


As a second note, I never get tired to see her facial expression during the process. Doing the face shifting the last (as you always do) is another good point. Keep up the good work!


Wow - your best panel ever. Really original take on the back shift as well as the subtle changes I'm reading in her vocalizations.


To be honest here, I don't think I have ever seen a better representation of a werewolf's back changing. This is just outstanding. I love how fat and bulgey her spine is. This is so well drawn. <3


How old is she, I wonder? Eighteen, nineteen? I'm assuming she's following the "two years at community college and finish up at big university" education plan.


Thanks Zock! :) I love drawing her reactions in this chapter. I'm trying to make subtle changes to her face here and there too before the big 'Push' :P


Wow! Thanks Agent! ;D I'm quite happy with it too, especially how the bottom panel turned out.


She's actually closer to 22 but the idea of her doing the two year community college path is pretty spot on. :) She dreams of getting a degree in Marine Biology however an event in her life stifled her plans for college creating a gap between high school and her start of college. Thanks for the question Tim! Always happy to answer q's so long as they don't get into spoilers ;P


This is some magnificently gnarly body horror I love how you can really feel her back bubbling up into the beast's!


Thanks Sam! This page ended up going from one of my least favorites to one of the best so far imo :)