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Here we go! Page one.

Just a heads up on the next page. I'm planning on reworking it to make it a full double page spread. I expect it to be a BEAST to work on so forgive me if it takes some time to get the next page up, hopefully it'll be worth it. Setting the location of TSWWS is really integral with this revamp so I want the town to be burnt into the reader's mind when they see it. The unfortunate aspect of that however is I'll have to renumber all my pages lol which I will undoubtedly forget on some so I expect you guys to call me out on it XD

Anyways, hope you guys have a great weekend!




The narration’s new from the draft you posted, yes? Looking forward to seeing where she’s going with this story. BTW, in the second to last caption, I think it’s supposed to be what “passed” for fun, not “past.” Looking forward to revisiting this chapter again with more finished art!


Thanks for the catch!! And yeah, it was there before but I hadn't quite ironed out the writing to my liking yet. I've got a good solid grasp on what I want to see now in these next couple pages.