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I was really excited to get this out to you guys, I'd only wished I'd been able to finish it sooner. Not just because I wanted to, but because I wanted to really do something special for you all.

It's crazy to think how much this Patreon has grown this past year, and during this  Thanksgiving, I wanted to do something to really show my appreciation for all of you and your amazing support. I'm still in awe that I have so many people willing to chip a few dollars a month towards helping me fulfill this dream of mine, especially those of you who have been on  board since the beginning. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. I can't express how much it means to have such an amazing and engaging audience for this story of mine. I'm learning so much along this journey and I'm so happy to have you all on board with me.

I'll admit, there are times that I have doubts. I worry I'm not moving fast enough to finish this story. I have fears of never completing it. It's been tough as most of my free time goes into making Sue's story come to life. But dammit don't I love it. I love the comments, the likes, the critiques, the questions, the interest, all of it. I love making things people enjoy seeing. Nothing gives me greater joy. So as long as I have that, that's what I try to focus on and just keep working.

Again, I just wanna give you my sincerest thanks. All of you make this work worthwhile and I'm still so excited to keep on creating. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving :)





Amazing the difference your shading makes, especially on these nighttime scenes. Sue is truly terrifying here, though I do note these guys don’t exactly look like they were making a positive contribution to society, so, maybe she’s not completely a lost cause?


Beautiful picture - well, as far as the artistry is concerned anyway! And as far as I'm concerned, it's a pleasure to support this. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole story, certainly...but please don't feel rushed. Quality is what counts and of course real life takes precedence over all.


I love drawing and painting nighttime scenes. So much fun playing with different color combinations. And as for these fellas, yeah they're up to no good so karma was bound to come knocking soon enough :P


Thanks a lot Timothy! I'll always strive to do my best for you guys. :)