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Hey everyone!

I'd like to get feedback on this one from you all if you can spare a moment. I need to know how you read this page, especially when you get down to the last three panels. Where did your eyes try to go while reading it? Did you get confused or was it clear enough for you?

Also I'm sorry for the lack of content this week :( I've been playing a lot of catch up with my other job and on top of that my hand continues to make things difficult on me. I'm more than likely going to need to get an x-ray as it's been over a month since I injured it and I still don't have full range of motion in one of my fingers.

Regardless however, I hope everyone has a great weekend! :D I wanna try and get some more patron stuff up in the next couple days, stay tuned.




I'm pretty sure I read it in the order you intended. You can clearly see the mother closing the door so it happens after she's talking with the cops. It's good. ;)


Yup just as Goblin said. I read L to r on top. The two vertical panels then the final one. Also make sure you change "close" to clothes!


Wait I take that back. I read it wrong. Too early lol


I would suggest connecting the speech bubbles from the top panel to the bottom one, to draw the eyes that might get confused as to where the page goes next.


Haha, you're not crazy ffkid, I caught that when I re-read it and changed it real quick :P