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Hey guys!

Hope everyone's week is going well! Thought I'd take a moment once again to share some of the comics I've been reading lately. I wish there was a better way to post pictures because there's so many cool panels in these books.

I managed to finish the Howling series which started off really well. However I felt that the ending was a real dud. I'm not sure if they just couldn't get more issues out or if they really intended to end the series as they did but oh well, still a fun read.

The other werewolf series is Jughead: The Hunger. Really digging this book although I'm not the greatest fan of talking werewolves. I mean how does a werewolf talk without lips? Kinda throws me out of the experience a little and I get Wes Craven's Cursed vibes XD. But I'm willing to look past it as I'm engaged in the story so far.

However still, my favorite so far is Vampironica, now just on it's second issue. The art and writing is absolutely amazing. The dialogue is so well written I'm never thrown out of the story, and Greg's ability to draw facial expressions so well has me REALLY envious lol I want to get on his level so bad.

Anyways, just thought I'd share. :) I recommend all these books if you're in the market. What are you guys reading at the moment? Feel free to share!

Back to work now :) Take care.

Btw, attached a cool little transformation from Vampironica you might enjoy :P




I haven't finished The Howling yet. I basically like it, although it lacks a lot of the humor that made the original movie so great. Agreed about the Jughead book: I'm not crazy about talking werewolves and Betty the Vampire - I mean Werewolf - Slayer didn't seem very original. Most of all, it's gone on too long. Scary art though! I just thought it was a limited series. Vamperonica is the best overall so far, but it's only two issues in. If they keep it limited, it will work.


Still reading the crap out of Harrow County. Two of my nieces were reading it over my shoulder in the car on the way to family reunion stuff and kept asking me about borrowing the next two collected graphic novels. It's still the best art + story I've read in some time.


I should have mentioned! I took your advice and I'm actually reading through that one too! Bought the first part and I'm really loving the art style and story so far, I'm getting Clive Barker vibes from it a bit.