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Hey everyone! I wanted to to touch base with you all on the patreon and how I can improve it. A couple of recent exit surveys got me to wanting to gauge my patrons on how things are running. What would you like to see improvements on? Do you feel I'm being engaging enough? Is the work I'm producing what you expected? Would you like to see more regular streams? Please messege me or comment below any suggestions or concerns you have! I'm more than happy to take suggestions on how to better this little venture of mine and keep you guys happy. :) You all make doing this work so much more worthwhile and I'm always on the lookout for constructive feedback. Thanks again for all your support! -Were


chad hundley

I'm more interested in the story and of course the transformations you do, don't care about the streams to be honest, not what I was paying for to sit there and watch someone draw. Less streams, that's just me though others might like it. Also the transformations seem to be going quicker, like your rushing them. Again these are just my thoughts, you can only do so much.

chad hundley

You are doing a good job though, like the background story of sue. I also might suggest maybe adding some nudity, after all their werewolfs and cloths don't last. Not a lot just a bit here and there.


I'm satisfied with what you do. I'm looking forward to the next pages. As for streams, personally, I usually don't watch them mostly because I'm not in the US, so for me, they happen in the middle of the night (last one started at 4 AM for me ^^).


I love what you do and how you are doing it right now. I prefer you focus more in Sue story and Cycles than in streamings. Also, take the time you need to do the transformations, it is better to do it in more time if the result will be better.


I do love your work, found it only recently but you do great art. My favorite are the Sue stories, not so much the Cycles but I can see the need not to concentrate on one thing. About the streams, never watched one but maybe I am unfair to you so please accept my apology in advance. For me, I doubt that I will enjoy it. Call me uncultured but I am more interested in the result than the actual work, might have something to do that i can't daraw a straight line :-)


Your arwork almost doesn't need any improvement, and you are progressing noticeably. About your engagement, I told you that making constant updates is a real challenge for the real artists, so don't worry if you need to take your time, and always, always, try to have realistic schedules. About the expected work, this is more a wish than anything, I'd love to see a colored version of your biggest masterpice, the Episode 1 of Cycles, especially the page 4 :) (feeet). And to finalize, I don't have anything to say about streams... I live in the other side of the Ocean, and basically I live when you're sleeping and viceversa :P. Good luck thie everything!!


Thank you guys so much for the responses! I will look into these as the patroen moves forward. Really appreciate the feedback and please don't ever hesitate to let me know of anything else that comes to mind in the future.


Great stuff - I wouldn't mind it if you went back a bit more towards the more graphic art; it was pretty scary and not OTT. Also, I never watch the streams as I'm not that interested on seeing people draw. But the finished results are great!


Wow i want to see MtF TG (human man to female werewolf aka more beast: multi breast, four paws...)