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<3 everything about this page!


Love this page so much. Her gigantic and teeth filled muzzle looks so frightening, so alive, so awesome. Yet I still feel kinda bad because I know you wanted this to be a more bloody comic with her shredding the skin into pieces. While I highly prefer the non-bloody way, I still don't hate skin-rip TF's. So I voted against that. I couldn't have imagined that there were only a few people who actually were on the skin-rip side while the overwhelming majority was against. My view on that hasn't changed, but please don't stop drawing them. If you do you'll limit yourself and that would be a bad thing. You are an amazing artist and even though not everyone will enjoy what you published, you still did something you're proud of and you learned from. Or maybe I'm just interpreting a bit too much into this. But I still say that you should never limit yourself. Boundaries are there to be exceeded. :)


Hey thanks buddy! :) Yeah, it would have been fun but this turned out good I think. There were a few who wanted to see it so I will probably make the next one a more graphic change, it's only fair seeing how 3 of them have been standard so far. Appreciate your feedback though! :)