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You may have noticed that I'm taking a little longer to send sketches or even reply to messages. First I would like to apologize for that. I will be sending the sketches as soon as possible.

My work pace and speed have decreased A LOT, and the days have been less and less productive. When I open a message to decide what the next sketch will be to start, I read the request and think "oh no, I don't want to do that now". And I end up going to the easiest first ones, or to the clients that usually don't bring so many changes. I'm sorry, but I'm human, and yes, sometimes I get the feeling of "I've been drawing the same thing or characters for weeks" and I never feel like I'm improving.

Anyway, I'll be sending the sketches as soon as possible, I just need you to have a little more patience with me. And if possible, don't send me messages asking if I've already started, because if I start I'll send the sketch immediately. If I haven't sent it, it's because I haven't started yet.



That's fine dude. I'll admit I was worried when you didn't reply as fast as you did before, but it's completely fair if you need to slow things down. Gotta be good to yourself


I'm with Sheldog. Don't rush yourself and burn out. Nothing good ever comes from someone burning out


No worries Osmar! Take the time you need!