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Hello, chosen ones.

Well, this post is just a clarification on the delivery of rewards. I received many messages this week and I still haven't answered any, I decided to leave them as "unread" so I don't forget. I'm going to try to deliver all the rewards requests this week, there are still some pretty tough commissions left over from last week and I'm going to focus on delivering them before I outline the rewards.

Commissions have become increasingly difficult and time-consuming, and I feel like my weeks are going by very quickly and I almost always end up without deliver everything. I apologize for the delay.

I noticed that sometimes I mess up a little too in the posts, posts referring to May, I put "June", things like that. Sorry for causing a fuss, I'm really working too hard and it affects my attention. I believe I am suffering from burnout.

For those who don't know, my routine is 11, 12 hours of work a day, even on Saturdays and holidays (by the way, I don't even know which day is a holiday or not, and I work the same way). I'm not able to rest because I always have things to deliver, and it stays in my head all the time so I can't relax even on Sundays. I'm not blaming you, it's my own fault. The truth is that working with this has become very tiring... I'm not asking you to take it easy on orders, or anything like that, just be a little more patient because I'm slower, and I feel like my art is getting bad, due to tiredness.

Of course, with all this work, you must be wondering how my personal life works? The truth is: I have no life other than work. I became my job...I can't just be "The Osmar" anymore I have to be the "Osmar shotgun artist" all the time.

Of course, I understand that some don't mind, as long as I deliver good art on time, and in fact they have no obligation to understand me since they're paying. But I'm still human. I get tired, I get sad like everyone else and it affects my work.

Sorry for the text, but since you guys support me, I feel like I must be honest with you.



There has got to be a better way dude. This isn't healthy for you at all.


Maybe try only opening up comms near the beginning of the month. That way if a ton of orders come in you have a few weeks to work on them without feeling overwhelmed


Excuse the text wall: Thank you for your transparency Os, it is what makes you stand out from other artists is that you are upfront about your realistic concerns beforehand, you are smart enough to tell us BEFORE the crisis point hits and everything goes tits up. It gives us insight into your dilemmas so we can suggest solutions to hopefully support you better. 12 hours a day, every day, even on holidays doing art isnt healthy mate, there needs to be a system of rest and relaxation in there somewhere where you can take a break more consistently or pursue other interests without fear of obligations stacking. I am surprised your hand isnt on fire. We are not just your financial sugar-daddy’s we are your clients, fans and supporters of your endeavours lewd and non-lewd. It ultimately serves none of us if you become burnt out and mentally miserable from your hobby. So how can we help mate? Looking at it all, what would be the best solution you feel? You mention commissions themselves are becoming ‘increasingly difficult and time consuming’. Would curtailing the overall commission intake to a fixed amount per week or laying a firm hand on how much folks can ask for in each given time work? Perhaps even a cool off period to ensure that you can cycle around your audience fairly? I think you’ll find a lot of us more likely demanding commissioners are more than happy to wait longer periods for slots because that is far more usual with other artists. Months are typically my waiting time for commissions. Maybe as Sheldog indicates have a single opening at the start of each month, allowing you to see ALL potential projects folks are proposing, being able to plan and work your way through chunks. Next month, the previous chunk of works not done but still suggested gains priority as you go provided that person still has interest. That system should allow folks to get their projects done in a fair manner and divide up complex works into more manageable instances. A lot of artists have this to promote fairness of opportunity, I am sure many of us wouldn’t mind a forced break overtime. It allows ideas to be refined and broken down into more manageable chunks. Outside of adjustments to pricing and the obligations within the patreon itself, which I know you don’t really want to touch to incentivise the tier values. Anything else you can think of that would have an impact on your intake?


I really don't know what to do. I'm getting a smaller number of commissions and it's still a lot of work. I even thought about stopping the commissions permanently and just sticking with the patreon, (or taking the lineart rewards from the patreon and leaving only tiers of $15 and below), but sites like that are like "glass floor", you can't trust 100 %; Imagine if tomorrow, they say "can't advertise nsfw anymore" and stuff like that, I'm out of work. Unfortunately my works that are not hentai don't have the slightest impact to sustain themselves. Because of this excess, my eight-year relationship ended on my birthday...because I didn't have time for her anymore. Since then I have suffered from an immeasurable sadness and have sunk even deeper into work.


As you are now, you have commissions, weekly packs, weekly comics, and patron rewards. You're being overwhelmed that's non-debatable and something has to change for your own good. If you need to reduce or get rid of one of those things you need to have a serious discussion about it. Maybe commissions need to go up in price based on complexity. Maybe you should only do 3 picture packs and one comic Maybe you should stop comms and only do patron rewards, a color tier I know people will jump on that. Please think about it. Make a poll and open a more focused discussion topic if you want.


Slow down and enjoy your life, dude.


And here we go again, back to doing nothing but work and only commissions instead of resting and having artistic freedom. Youre on the course to quitting this altogether like many artists have before, you had this kind of post before and it seems like you learned nothing form the last time.


Uh, I've seen a lot of artists just crash completely when it comes to art. You probably need to slow down on the pure money side of art before burn out sets in.


Hearing all of this is truly disheartening and honestly depressing. There needs to be some kind of adjustment so you won't be hurting financially or for having stuff to do, but also so you can enjoy life more outside of art and not burn out. Your happiness and contentment is paramount and more important than any expectations from us or any other future patrons/clients. Perhaps temporarily shutting down commissions so you can focus more on patron rewards would be a start, just to see how it feels and to test out if it works for you. Perhaps maybe pausing Patreon rewards 1 out of every 3-4 months to open up for commissions again (and increase the pricing to compensate if need be, your time is very precious after all). It's something to think about and I would also urge you to take a day off. Remove yourself from this grind one day a week to clear your head and get some deserved R&R. We want what works best for you, and we've got your back, Os. I hope this helps. ❤️


Really need to look after yourself man. Here's some suggestions I think would help if you enacted: 1. Schedule time off. Reduce your working time to 8(?) hours a day with breaks and give yourself at least 2 days off. Maybe more. A 3 day weekend can be very good for travel. Or try working Mon-Tues, break Weds, Work Thurs-Fri, break Sat-Sun. 2. Rather than taking commissions every 2 weeks, have it be once a month and specify what day and time they open up and how many slots there are. For instance, say that you're only taking commissions on the 1st of the month between 6pm and 9pm GMT, 20 slots, first come first serve. 3. Maybe remove/alter the condition of the weekly rewards/voting. Maybe 1-2 less of the comic pages per month? We're currently voting in June for what will be in the packs in September. Potential patrons might be somewhat turned off by having to pledge now to have a say in what would be in say October. At the current rate, we'll be voting for things a year in advance. 4. Maybe change the way some of the voting works. Example: YOU choose the characters and poses/positions/theme/scenarios and we vote from what you put forwards. Example: October Vote: Nintendo Monsters: vote between Succubus Zelda vs Alien Samus vs Vampire Peach, etc 5. Might add in your personal work into the packs as well. Yes, many probably come for porn, but I personally wouldn't say no to having one pack be nothing but what you personally enjoy doing. Remember that this is your thing and if you ever feel the need to change things up we're ready to listen.