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I'm sorry, I made a mistake counting the months, and since last week, with the Android 18 pack, the 2B comic page and this Lala pack, they were being counted as August.

 The truth is I skipped a month, my mistake, so all this content will be from July. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I will correct the voting descriptions etc next week.

I've been working a lot on Patreon content, my game and I haven't been sleeping well, but that's no excuse for making mistakes with you guys.

Everything will be normal next week, ok? Also, this pack its already avaliable for shotgun and magnum supporters on drive link.




Hey it's alright, you work hard, mistakes happen :) also game? Curious to know what game you're working on!


No apologies needed, mistakes happen. We’re still getting amazing packs of muscular goddesses, so it’s no biggie! Thanks for explaining all the same, you get yourself some rest!